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Natasha- ok first, I'm sorry.
Y/n- ye, I'm sorry too.
Natasha- two, I did love you. No I do love you. I will never stop loving you. It's impossible to, trust me I've tried.
Y/n- really...?
Natasha- yes! You're amazing and I want to be with you forever. But you're with Wanda and I accept that. I just want you to now that I love you.
Y/n- ...friends?
Natasha- friends.
We both hug and I walk back over to Wanda.
Wanda- so you're friends now?
Y/n- yep.
Wanda- I'm glad to see you smiling again.
Y/n- I am too. Let's go home.
We both fly back to the compound together, side by side. We walk in.
Peter- where's Nat and Bruce?
Wanda- they're still at the hotel.
Peter- ok...
Peter walks away and we go into Wanda's room.
Y/n- I've never been happier with you.
Wanda- why are you happier now?
Y/n- after our little argument we realised that we're alike. We both think we'll lose eachother...
Wanda- ...and that is what makes us a perfect couple.
Y/n- well... I wouldn't say perfect.
Wanda- why not?
Y/n- we're very unusual.
Wanda- I guess we are. Avengers never work as couples.
Y/n- Nat and Bruce might.
Wanda- Natasha is only dating Bruce to get you jealous.
Y/n- why would she tell you that?
Wanda- I overheard her.
Y/n- Wanda you sneaky little devil.
Wanda- I think we are the first Avengers to ever successfully date.
Y/n- well we don't know if we're successful yet. We could end up being awful and breaking up.
Wanda- well don't say that.
Y/n- but I'm right because we will always be worried about eachother when it's not necessary.
Wanda- I guess you are right then. Avengers aren't made to date other Avengers. It always ends in chaos.
Y/n- so... Did we just prove that we should break up?
Wanda- just because we should doesn't mean we will.

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