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Wanda and I talk for a while but then she has to leave. After she leaves the room I look online for engagement rings. I was going to propose. Not for a second I doubted the decision I've made. I choose a ring and order it. It'll come in two months. I decide I'll propose on the 14th of June. The day I fell head over heels for Wanda. Wanda walks into my room and I slam my laptop down.
Wanda- ok...? Anyway I was thinking we could go on a nice night walk.
I love how she trusted that I wasn't doing anything bad on my laptop.
Y/n- ooh, very romantic. Let's do it.
Wanda takes my hand and leads us both outside. We walk down to the river. Wanda sits down and dangles her feet into the river still with her socks on. I sit next to her and do the same thing. I rest my head in her shoulder and we cuddle in together.

Wanda- you are so beautiful

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Wanda- you are so beautiful.
Y/n- so are you.
Wanda smiles at me and turns around just starting at me.
Y/n- wands, what's wrong?
She doesn't say a word. I can tell that she has accidently zoned out. She didn't move at all and when she did it was only to blink. Athough she didn't do that often. She must have been thinking about something mega important. I sit there staring back at Wanda for a few a while until it gets dark.
Y/n- umm wands, we should probably head on home now.
Wanda is still zoned out and I lightly chuckle.
Y/n- ok babe, we have to get going now.
She still doesn't move.
Y/n- don't make me do this.
Yet again, she doesn't move.
Y/n- you asked for it.
I start to lightly shake Wanda.
Y/n- don't make me shake you harder.
I start to shake Wanda hard.
Wanda- huh. Oh babe, we should head home.
Y/n- great idea, Wanda.
I sounded irritated but Wanda thought nothing of it. She starts to look into my eyes again.
Y/n- ok babe, you're adorable but we have to get home.
Wanda- will you marry me?

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