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Ranboo: "I want to be a caterpillar."
Tommy: "Explain."
Ranboo: "Eat a lot. Sleep for a while, wake up beautiful."
Tommy: "You do know that they have a lifespan of two weeks right?"
Ranboo: *sighs dreamily* "That's another highlight."
Tubbo: "Ranboo nO-"


Kidnapper: "We have your son."
Ph1lzA "I don't have a son-"
Kidnapper: "Then who just asked for warm chocolate milk and made us cut the crusts off of our sandwiches?"
Ph1lzA: "Oh my God! You have Tommy!"


Baby (y/n): "Why does everyone hate Mr. Wastaken? I think he's cool!"
Ph1lzA: "He tried to kill everyone."
Baby (y/n): *stabs Ph1lzA with a plastic spoon* "I jUsT tRiEd To KiLl yOu. Do YoU hATe Me NoW?"
Ph1lzA: "Kid I-"
Baby (y/n): "DiScRiMiNaTiOn."
Ph1lzA: "Kid, he tried to kill us multiple times-"
Baby (y/n): *crying while repeatedly stabbing everyone with a plastic spoon* "He deserves to be loved Mr. Minecraft!"
Ph1lzA: "Kid-"
Dream: *being stabbed by (y/n)* "No let him finish."

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