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Sapnap: "Talk to him. That's what friends do."
Dream: "Nope. I'm gonna wait until I'm on my deathbed, get in the last word, and die immediately."
Sapnap: "That's your plan for dealing with this?"
Dream: "That's my plan for dealing with everything. I'm gonna win seventy seven arguments that day."
Sapnap: "Seems like a bad plan."
Dream: "Now I have seventy eight."


Techno: "Did you eat all the powdered donuts?"
Wilbur: "Uh. . . No."
Techno: "Then what's all that white powder on your pants?"
Wilbur: *answers immediately* "Cocaine."


Dream: "I don't have a train of thought."
Dream: "I have seven trains on four tracks that narrowly avoid each other when all the paths cross."

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