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Quackity: "You hit Tubbo!
Tommy: "Then I hugged him. It's okay now."
Quackity: "You can't just hug your way out of trouble!"
Tommy: *hugs Quackity*


George: "Can I be frank with you guys?"
Dream: "Yeah, but I don't see how changing your name is going to help."
Sapnap: "Can I still be Sapnap?"
Dream: "Shh, let Frank speak."


Tubbo: "Mr. Minecraft, I broke the no alcohol rule."
Ph1lzA: "Tubbo, how many times do I have to tell you that hand sanitizer does not count?"
Tubbo: "Perfume does though, right?"
Tubbo: "It was pint sized I swear!"
Ph1lzA: "I am signing you up for therapy."

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