Tall Man, Shrink

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"I'm going!" no response back, again.

*sigh* what did I do to deserve this life? Was I a super evil being in my past life?

Well, at least I have Belias by my side. He's a spirit that's been following me around since i was 7. That year was the year I realized that my parents hugely favor my brother more than me. I had a hard time back then, but Belias helped me. Now, he's a part of me and I don't think I can live without him.

Look how the time passed! I'm already at the gates. I can't wait to see Jotaro-kun!

My thoughts became true. A group of girls squealed and I saw a glimpse of Jotaro.

Eeek! He's so handsome. I hope that I can one day get close to him.

I approached the crowd and saw one of my friends, Ayaka.

"Girl, you've totally missed it! Jotaro actually looked my way! I'm so happy!"

"Well, I'm here now. Wanna go for a smoke?"

"Oh yeah! The gang is waiting for us! Let's go!" and like that, she pulled my hand and led me to the side of the school.

I saw Chiharo, Yuki, Jake and Hiyori there, already smoking and eating snacks.

"Hey guys! Why didn't ya call us? You know that we're suckers for a smoke before school!" I went to grab a chip from a bag, but Jake stopped me.

"We did call you! You weren't picking up and Ayaka was gobbling up Jotaro with his fangirls!"

"Sorry, my phone died. I'll make it up to you next time. How about I buy lunch for us tomorrow?" half of what I said is a lie. My phone didn't die, it was taken away by my parents. The B on the test I got was the cause of it.

"Deal, but I didn't hear you say sorry, Ayaka."

"jeez, ok. I'm sorry. Next time, I'm gonna come early so I can watch Jotaro longer." I can't believe that this is the girl who I'm competing with. I might not show it, but I like Jotaro too, even more than her.

"Pass me the cigg, the urge is killing me."

Hiyori passed it, but before I can take it, Jake held it in between his fingers and gave me his.

"Here, you know that Hiyori doesn't brush her teeth often."

"Hey! I brush my teeth!"

"I didn't say you don't brush them, I'm saying you don't brush them enough."

"Alright, I gotta smoke this and bounce. I need to get together with my class."

"Y/n, why do you ever bother with them? They don't hang out with us, just leave them be."

"Yuki, I know you just broke up with your boyfriend, but you don't have to diss the friends I'm hanging out with."

"Alright, I get it. Just go."Yuki waved at me.

"Mm, see ya guys! Have fun doing math!"I started jogging to get into school faster.

"Don't remind me!"I giggled at their misery❤️

As I got closer to the entrance I bumped into somebody rock hard and fell down the stairs.

But before I hit the hard stairs behind me, I saw a purple arm rushing to catch me. What is it? A spirit like mine? It can't be of a person, is there really another spirit user like me?

"Watch where you're going next time woman!"

"Um-" IT'S JOTARO! "Sorry, it's my fault." I could feel my face burning so I looked down.

Get away, demon!|Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now