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"What an unusual stand you have, young lady." the old man decided to break the silence.

"Hehe, I'm glad you think so. I thought that you would think of it as terrifying." I tried to play the innocent girl to seem less scary. It worked on the grandpa, but Jotaros a different story.

"Gigi, she is dangerous. We should give her to the Speedwagon Foundation or kill her." I returned his murderous look with a shocked one. KILL ME?! That's taking it TOO far!

"Calm down Jotaro. I'm sure that she's on out side. Right, girlie?"

"Right. Yeah. I'm on your side. I wouldn't hurt any of you." Mr. Joestar patted me on the back for that. Jeez old man, what are you made of? Metal? Belias, who was still in front of me stared at him. I narrowed my eyes at him. He better not do anything else we're both pancakes.

Jotaro looked at me hesitantly." I'll be monitoring her then. She won't be able to pull any tricks with Star Platinum." I gulped as I looked at him then his stand. Ahh~. Thank you Belias for doing something right. Now I'll be able to see Jotaro more often. My smile probably looked sweet to Jotaro and his grandpa, but Belias knew what my smile ment.

"Make sure not to hurt her Jotaro. This girlie's a fragile one." I span my head to him. Did he really say that I'm weak? Sure, I may smaller than Jotaro, but I'm sure that I can kick his ass if needed.

Jotaro sighs and picks me up by the forearm. "What are you doing?"

"Throwing you out."

"Belias, don't move." Belias froze as I said those words. I knew that he was going to peel Jotaro off me. I don't need him to do that. "Please let me go. I can walk on my own."

He didn't even glance at me as he sped up his walk. He practically threw me on the ground when he opened the front gates.

"Owww. You couldn't have been more gentle?" I gave him my best puppy dog eyes as my heart was beating a 1000 miles per hour from being so close to him.

"Tch. Bitch." he turned and walked away. Belias squeezing past him to kneel again at my side.

I sat there frozen. He called me a bitch. HE CALLED ME A BITCH. THE OTHER GIRLS WOULD BE SO JEALOUS. I can't believe it. My face is probably extremely flushed and I can feel my heartbeat speed up. I feel like I'm on cloud 9 right now.

"Master, this disgusting demon requests of thee a punishment." I forgot about him.

"I'll punish you when we get home. Return to your place." he vanished. I need to think about his punishment when I get home. For now, getting there should be of priority. Ugh, I don't want to face my mother when I get home, but I don't have anywhere where I could stay. I looked to the huge house behind me before turning around and gathering courage to face a yelling mother when I get home.

I opened the door slowly, thanking God that it wasn't locked. Hah. No yelling yet.

"And where have you been?" (the boom vine sound) I heard my brothers voice behind me.

"I had some after-school activities." his frown didn't lighten. Neither did his crossed arms move. I was kind of expecting him to fit me, yell at me or just shove me out but he didn't.

"Don't lie to me. I heard that Jotaro dragged you out of class. Mind telling me what that was all about?"

Shit. This is bad. What do I tell him? I can't tell him about Belias.

"He dr-" *ring ring* saved. Whoever's calling,thank you. With my brother headed for the phone, I took that as my chance to sneak away. I have no idea where mother and father are but I hope that they don't know that I just came home. I would definitely be in enormous trouble if they found out.

While heading up the stairs, I overheard my brother and the unknown male on the phone talking.

"No, not her father, her brother." more like a stranger to me.

"Yes, I'll make sure that she knows." now I really want to know what they're talking about.

"No. Is she in any trouble?"

"That's good to know. My sister has always been a troublemaker." we both know that that's a lie.

"Alright. If you have any concerns, be sure to call again." then he hung up. I can imagine him with a fake smile on. Fake ass bitch.

"Y/n. Y/n? Y/n! GET OVER HERE!"

I ran to the best of my abilities, but he caught me at the end of the stairs. Damn it.

"What have you done for the Speedwagon Foundation to want you now? Did you somehow OFFEND them?" the terrifying look on his face and a smile did not ease me at all.

I gulped before defending myself:"No. I haven't done anything. I didn't even offend anybody. Please trust me brother." I tried raising my voice but fear overtook me and i ended up mumbling my words. I even tried playing the helpless sister card!

"I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth, you shameless liar. Do you even know who you have irked? They're one of the most powerful foundations in the world." he poked my chest while he held me by my forearm. That's definitely going to hurt later.

" I told you, I didn't do anything! "

" Enough of your nonsense! To your room. And not a word to mother and father. You don't want to be disowned, do you?" I nodded at him and that's when he finally let me go. Son of a bitch. You would be dead if I decided to kill you. You're lucky that I don't want to kill monkeys.

After standing around the stairs, trying to calm down, I relaxed my shoulders and began walking to my room. What does the Speedwagon Foundation have to do with me? Hah. There's no way to contact them, so that questing will be left unanswered it seems. What a disappointment.

"Master. How is thee holding up?" Belias was by my side while I lay on the bed, restless. It was around midnight and I couldn't sleep.

"Not good. My head is full of useless thoughts. What am I going to do Belias?" my eyes were watery as I looked at him. I know that demons have no idea how to solve human problems, but Belias should know. He's been with me for long enough to know something. Anything.

"This useless, punishment deserving servant has but one idea. Punishing this servant of thees has seemed to bring thees mood up in the past. May this ugly servant of thees suggest a punishment?" its true that I have taken my anger out on him the past, but that was because if I didn't, that anger would be turned to my family members and that wasn't an option before. Now that I have a better control of my emotions, those 'punishments' aren't needed.

"Oh. That's right. I was supposed to give you a punishment. Mh. I don't want to punish you. Don't leave me Belias. You'll never leave me, right? Please tell me that you won't."

"If that is my masters wish. Thees servant shall not leave thee so long as thee doesn't say that this servant can."

"No. Even then, I don't want you to leave, " I recollected myself before continuing, "as for your punishment, I think that the heaven chains will do. Just-stay with me until I fall asleep."

He nodded. No words were needed as I saw him put on the demon burning chains onto his body. Even though they burned at his hands, burned through his body, he still wore them. That's when I knew that the demon next to me truly loved me. A smile creeped onto my face but it disappeared when he turned to face me with the chains on.

"Good. Come lay down next to me." I patted the space on my side happily. The punishment did help me, for now.

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