Honest Feelings

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"Sitri and Orabas are moving away?! Why?! Weren't they happy here?" I stood in front of Zepar, shock on my face.

"Their families wanted them to go to a better school. They'll be fine, don't worry." he grabbed a piece of paper from his bag and handed it to me.

"Here. That's their new addresses. We can visit them sometime... Hey, hey, don't cry. I'm here for you." I didn't even notice that I was crying. My hands flew up to my face to wipe away any tears while Zepar hugged me awkwardly. I hugged him back.

"How could they leave without a goodbye? Did they come to see you before leaving?" I let go of him and raised my head to look at his face, only to find him dangling in the air, Jotaros arm holding him up.

"Y/n. Remember the deal." I started at him wide eye while he released Zepar. He stood there, probably waiting for my response.

"I remember. Don't worry, I can protect myself." I looked away from him realising I cried, frantically wiping away the leftover tears.

"Were you the one who did that to her?" he bent down to look at Zepar who was on the floor, terrified.

"N-no! I was comforting her!" he backed away from him and I stepped between them.

"Leave him alone Jotaro, he's my friend." his gaze was sceptical.

"Friend or not, you can't trust him." why would he say that in front of him?

I looked down in defeat and could feel Zepars betrayed expression even though he's behind me.

"Let's go."

"Huh? Wait, Jotaro! Zepar, I'll see you in class!" he started dragging me away, towards the back of the school.

When we arrived, I saw Kakyoin waving at us.

"Y/n! Been a long time since I saw you! How have you been?"

"I'm feeling alright after my first stand attack." I pulled a fake smile to reassure them I was alright, although I'm not sure if they belive me.

"You were attacked? When?!" Jotaro grabbed my shoulders and started looking for any injuries. After confirming that I had no wounds or anything, he backed away looking satisfied.

"Uh, yesterday. I'm not sure if I was the victim from the start since Jake was the one who was attacked first." Kakyoin went into a thinking pose and after a few seconds started talking.

"I think that both of you were the victims. Explain it to us in detail so we can go over what we know." I nodded and began explaining.

They both nodded at the end of my explanation.

"I have a few theories. That Yuki, is she perhaps gay?" a few threads connected themself at Kakyoins question.

"Now that you mention it, her boyfriends don't last long. I always thought that it was because she lost interest in them. Then again, that doesn't mean that she's gay. I could ask her."

"No. Better if you don't go near her for now. Plus, we don't know how she'll react if you ask her that all of a sudden."

"Right. But she's in my friend group. I can't ignore her all week."

"Hang out with us then. We're your friends too." I almost whipped my head in Jotaros sentence but I calmed myself and slowly looked at him. But, Jotaros friend? If I'm able to be his friend this early, a relationship isn't that far. Way to go me.

"I guess that could work." I turned away from them so they wouldn't see my blush but Kakyoins question makes me face them again

"What will you do about that date?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2023 ⏰

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