Feelings Are A Bother

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"We already ordered your share. Hope you don't mind, but we ordered a bit of everything." Ayaka smiled mischievously.

"It's alright. There's plenty of us and it would be good to try a little bit of everything." I returned her smile with one of my own sweet ones. I ain't playing with her, that's for sure.

"Ok, ok. Enough chit chatting. Let's sit down first." Jake let me sit first and followed after.

"Where's Yuki? I thought that all of us are gonna eat together."

"Had to help a teacher. Told me that she's gonna be late." Chiharo spoke, not looking up from his console.

"Why didn't you wait for her? You know thta she's bad with directions. Hiyori, please send her the address. I don't have my phone with me."

"Roger that."

I looked around, after confirming with Hiyori that the address was correct and decided to get up.

"I'll be going to the restroom. If the food comes, you guys go ahead and eat without me. Just make sure to save me some."

Hiyori rose out of her seat:"I'll go with y-" I interrupted her, shoving Jake lightly with an elbow to let me exit, "No need. I'll be back soon." I smiled and headed for the restroom, while Hiyori sat down looking defeated. My feet moved passed the restroom and towards Avdols table. I can't miss this chance to catch up with him.

"Mr. Avdol. Lovely to see you here. Out for another mission?" I sat down in the seat that the silver haired man occupied early. He must be in the restroom.

"Y/n. Aren't you supposed to be in school? And to answer your question, yes. A mission came up but your father isn't my employer this time." his voice got sharper towards the end. I suppose neither of us like my father.

"What's this mission about? Does it have to do with your stand again?" his face remained in a smile, although his eyes scanned for people around us in alert.

"Well,that's the only thing I'm good for these days. Oddly enough, my mission is to keep an eye on someone this time." I raised an eyebrow.

"Is it me? Your employer must be the Speedwagon Foundation if so. I've noticed some of their guys following me around."

"Heh. You're as sharp as ever. Actually, it's more of a favor to a friend than it is a mission. Speaking of that friend, he's requested your presence again."

"That old fart's your friend? I didn't count you as someone who hangs around grandpas. And what does he want from me this time?"

"Hahaha. You've kept your boldness I see. I can't reveal much because that information is confidential, but be careful... Off you go now! Go chat with your friends!" my eyes widened. Does that mean an enemy? But before I could question him more, the silver haired guy had come back.

"And who might this beautiful lady be? Avdol, why didn't you tell me that you had invited such a beauty here?  Mademoiselle, my heart stopped the moment I layed my eyes on you." he took my hand and kissed it. I quickly retracted it and stood up.

"Really nice to meet you. The name's Y/n, but I really need to go. My friends are waiting for me and they'll be really mad if I left them hanging. See you soon, Mr. Avdol." I waved them bye. The silver haired man looked rejected. Hmph that's what you get you creep. I turned away and headed back to my table.

On my way there, I washed my hands in the restroom, as I was going to be eating.

"Took you long enough. The food's almost cold." Yuki laughed. She was sitting next to Chiharo.

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