You Stink, Old Man!

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Few minutes of walking, well, more like me being dragged and Jotaro running at this point, we reached his grand house. It is HUGE. Sure, I knew he was rich, but not this rich.

"Take your shoes off." the menacing glare of Jotaro is as hot as always. I take a deep breath in to calm myself and take my shoes off. 

"What are you waiting for? Get in." I looked at him and smiled while I moved forward.

As soon as I got in, I was greeted by a gentle looking middle aged woman.

"Jotaro, is this your girlfriend? She's so cute. Hi~I'm Kujo Holly, but you can call me Seko since all my japanese friends call me that." that smile. It was a smile of an angel. I'm kinda jealous that Jotaro has a mom like this. I probably would have turned out differently if I had Holly as a mom.

"Oh-um. Good day to you miss Seko. I'm L/n Y/n. I'm not exactly Jotaro's girlfriend (but I'd like to be)" she had a second of a shocked face, but recovered quickly.

"Then, a friend? In any case, I'm happy that Jotaros finally making some friends. I mean, he has Kakyoin, but it's nice to know there are other people who see him in a bright light." I wanted to tell her that I didn't exactly see him as an angel per say, but more of a, you know what, nevermind.

" Oh! How rude of me. Do come in dear. Make yourself at home." somehow, during that ordeal, Jotaro hasn't said a word. I feel like he's burning a hole in my head, but I couldn't know as he was behind me.

As soon as both of us were in the house he dragged me by the arm, again, and led me to one of the rooms.

" Gigi! I bought a stand user with me!"we waited for a reply in front of the room, then it oppened.

We entered the room, and by the looks of it, it was a tearoom. If I had to assume, one of many.

" Sit down. "i heard a voice of an older man. I'm assuming that that's his grandpa.

I sat down as he told me and waited for him to say something. He looked to be around 60-ish years old. He had gray hair and a beard. His clothes were those of western people, casual clothes though. He was sitting in front of me, a table in between us.

"Hello young lady! My name is Joseph Joestar. As you already know, Jotaro is my grandson and I'm happy that he has more friends who are similar to him. Can I ask for your name?" Mr. Joestar gave me this really charming smile that I smiled at.

"Nice to meet you sir! My name is Y/n L/n and Jotaro and I aren't really friends. More so classmates than anything." I looked at him, analysing his body language. He's sitting comfortably, with a cup of soda and a big smile on his face.

"Y/n. What a lovely name. Jotaro mentioned that you had a stand. What kind of stand is it?" I wondered how I could explain to him what kind of ability I have, when Seko walked into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Y/n dear, would you like anything to drink? Some water, tea, coffee?"

"A cup of water please." I made sure to sound as nice as possible. This is Jotaros mom that I'm talking to.

"Coming right up," her cheerfulness is really refreshing from things back at home. She left the room to go get me a cup of water and I turned to Mr. Joestar to answer his question.

"I guess that it's a fighting one? Honestly, it can range from all types."

"How so?"

"I can summon demons." my innocent smile did not lessen his shocked and confused face. I didn't see Jotaros face, but I bet he's as shocked as his grandpa is.

Seko came in that moment to hand me the water. I thanked her and she left. I looked over to Mr. Joestar to see him thinking before he asked me:

"Summon them? Not turn into one?"

"Nope. I summon them. Belias is the demon that has been assigned as my main protector, while the others are summoned in situations that they're needed."he raised and eyebrow and asked:"By what do you mean he was' assigned to be the main protector'?"

"I don't know why either, but I guess that it's because he's the most capable one of taking care of a human. The other demons aren't as good at dealing with humans. Besides being bad at dealing with humans, they are stronger and require a lot more energy to summon." I paused to let them process the information and waited for their questions at the same time.

"How powerful of a demon can you summon?" this time, it was Jotaro asking. I had to hide my happiness from them, but it was really hard. I mean, Jotaro didn't speak to me until today. I've always kept my distance from him. I suppressed my smile and answered:

"I am only able to summon up to the 45th demon king for now."

"Demon King? For now?"

"The more I train, the more I can handle the mental shock of summoning a demon. And in the Underworld, there are 71 demon kings who are ranked by strength. Bilias is the 67th king."(and yes, I know that his name is Belial, but I thought that Belias sounded cooler.)

Jotaro hummed and looked down at the floor. Oh how I wish that I could take a picture. He looked like he wanted to say something, but he kept quiet.

"Can you demonstrate a summoning for us?" no one wants to hear your old ass , gramps. I didn't say that to him, but I really wanted to.


I raised my hand and imagined my best friend of 17 years. Belias. The red skinned demon who had 20 meter bat wings, a broken horn on the side of head and one intact one on the other side, a slim tail that had a heart at the end of it, and was wearing a garment that mirrored that of an angels one but his was black appeared before me.

He kneeled down in front of me, and spoke

"The summoned demon kneels before thee, it's master. What can this useless demon do for thee?" he looked down, as to avoid my gaze. I looked down at him. It's a good thing that he presented himself as a pathetic and weak one. Jotaros stand appeared as soon as I raised ny hand and it looks strong. He would fold Belias like pizza if he or I made a wrong move.

"You've been summoned to demonstrate your capabilities. Stand up." at my command he stood up. Now that he was standing, he appeared to be taller that Jotaro even without floating in the air like Jotaros stand.

He clapped his hands, chanting something in an unknown language. As soon as he finished chanting, he separated his hands,folding them at the elbow and raising them in the air. A ring of fire surrounded him. Balls of fire separated from the ring to shoot at Jotaro. Seeing the balls, my eyes widened.

I ran to face Belias, the fire balls stopping in front of me.

"I said to demonstrate, not attack." I can still feel the heat from the fireballs, and I'm sure that Jotaro could too. I couldn't see him, but I imagine that he would have a scowl on his face.

His stand moved closer to the fireballs, which were still floating in the air and touched them. It withdrew it's hand immediately, shaking the hand like he had touched something hot.

Belias kneeled in front of me again, hitting the ground hard enough that it sounded like a bowling ball was dropped onto it:"Apologies master. This lowly demon has made a huge mistake in front of thee. If thee would allow me to-" "No need." I cut him off with a wave of my hand. He nodded and stayed kneeling, putting his hands near my legs. I could tell that he wanted to cling onto them but I shot him a glare so that he wouldn't do it.

Get away, demon!|Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now