Secret affection

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A game and a headache later, I stand before a sweaty Jake, congratulating him.

"Didn't think that you could do it. You've improved." I smile at him and hope that my smile comes off as genuine. I can't shake off the unease that Yukis stand gave me.

I have an idea of what she wants but I can't support or stop it yet. Anyone could waltz in our showdown and take us down and being caught off guard doesn't appeal to me right now.

Turning my attention to Jake again, I begin to scold him:"Y'know, you're the only one on your team who made a mistake in the steps. And you're supposed to be the best out of all of them." I cross my arms and shake my head, showing my disappointment.

"But I scored! Don't bring my personal score down!" boys. Their ego is easily hurt.

"23 hoops? I could make that in 3 minutes." he stood above me, still breathing heavily. He should have cooled down by now. What's gotten into him?

"That's not a nice thing to say", he raised his hand, trapping me between himself and the wall,"I'm your friend, y'know." There was a voice in my head telling me to do something but I just stood there,heart beating heavily and anxiety creeping up on me. I looked around, searching for someone or something to help me. Nothing. Not even a fly could be heard.

"Uh, could you move your arm? You're making me nervous Jake." I placed my hand on his arm, trying to move it but his arm didn't budge. He placed his other arm against the wall and leaned in. Now there was no way for me to escape,

"You really piss me off, you know that? I would beat the shit out of you if I could."

I gulped.

"If you could? What's stopping you?" I may have said that with confidence but that was the last of it. I'm seconds away from trembling before him.

"Argh!" he yelped in pain and backed away, one hand holding his head and the other was on his chest.

"Y/n! Get away from me! Something is wrong with me and I don't want to hurt you." my legs were trembling and my breathing was fast after hearing those words. I was frozen in fear.

Ose came out, pushing my back towards the door. I ended up being pushed out of the gym. Ose disappeared and I was left alone, terrified and trembling.

"Omg! Are you okay?", someone hugged me, "Don't worry. I'm here." I buried my head in Yukis chest, clenching her shirt.

"I'm scared." she rubbed my head, telling me that I'm okay and that no man will touch me. I leaned into her, her hug blocking me away from the rest of the world.

I could hear her chuckle to herself but I was pressed hard against her so I couldn't back up.

After a few moments, I banged her back and she lessened her hold on me.

"Have you calmed down?" I nodded.

"Great! Let's get going. I wanna go to a café with you!" she began dragging me. Her stand popped into my mind and I tore my hand away from her.

"I need to get my stuff and go home. Dad wants me home early for a celebration."

"I'll walk you home. It's no big deal, really. Having a woman nearby will ease your mind. Let's go get your stuff." is that her way of comforting me? I can't tell what that girl is thinking.

She started heading for the gym before she stopped.

"I'll go in there alone. You wait here. If you see anyone, hide." her face was a serious one, a contrast to her bubbly one from earlier.

I nodded. I don't want to face Jake now. Not after that.

I waited a few minutes for Yuki, thinking of how I would fend her off if she decided to attack me. She showed up with my stuff and I noticed some blood on her hand. She was quick to hide her hand but not quick enough. I won't question her. That will send her to the defensive.

"Here. Did you see anybody?" her bubbly tone was back. She handed me my stuff and I took it, mumbling a 'thank you'.

"No. I was very bored waiting for you." I pouted and looked her in the eye before turning away from her.

"Haha. I know. But you going in there would have been bad. C'mon, let's go before anyone scolds us for being here." she ran for the gates, with me after her.

She walked me home. My mind really WAS at ease around her. When it came time to say goodbye, I almost reached for her to pull her in with me but I didn't. I don't know what took over me. It's like those feelings weren't my own.

She looked disappointed when I didn't pull her in, like she was expecting that to happen. Noted

"I'll see you at school then." I went to close the door with a smile on my face but she held it open.

"Can we go out someday? Just the two of us?" she looked at me with sadness on her face. I was taken aback by that and my eyes widened.

Before she could say anything else, I opened my mouth.

"Sure. When are you free?" her face immediately lit up.

"How does next week work? We don't have any tests to study for and my schedule is free." she was practically jumping up and down from excitement.

"Works for me. Next week then."

"It's a date then! I'll text you what day exactly. Bye bye!" she skipped away, giggling to herself while I stood in the doorway. Date? No way? Did she get the wrong idea? I guess I'll explain it to her when I get there.

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