Should I Be Protected?

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As I woke, I began to dread the school day ahead of me. Not because I don't want to go to school, but because of a mess I am right now. My eyes are puffy, my hair is all over the place and I feel miserable.

At least I can see Jotaro at school. I hope he doesn't hate me after yesterday. Appearing like a weak girl won't work on him anymore. I guess I should work towards proving that I'm not an enemy. Hard to do that after what Belias pulled.

Speaking of him, he is nowhere to be seen. That's fine. I don't need to see him and I'm sure that he's at least embarrassed of himself after that slip up.

But enough mopping around. I need to fix myself up before I reunite with my friends.

After dressing myself and putting on concealer to hopefully hide my puffy eyes, I stepped out and booked it to the school. A confrontation with my brother doesn't sound ideal to me right now.

While walking, I noticed a few men in suits stationed everywhere. They had badges of Speedwagons Foundation. I wonder why they're here. Must be for some important reason that they are here.

I passed one of them, but he stopped me.

"Y/n L/n?"I nodded at that.

" We are to be your bodyguards from this day forward"

"What? I don't need bodyguards. Who sent you?" I have a feeling to who sent them to monitor me.

"That is classified information. All you need to know is that you are safe under our care." Dammit. Care my ass. That old man doesn't trust me enough. It's clear as day that he think I will hurt others. If I haven't done it until now, why would I do it just because they know about me? Honestly, I have no idea what's going through his head.

With a smile, I turn away from the man. They better not make me look suspicious. All my friends are gonna think that I'm a human experiment or something when they see them.

I hurried ahead. Maybe talking to them will help. A smoke or two wouldn't hurt either.

I arrive at the gate and see Yuki with a smile on her face.

"Hey girl. What's with the smile? You got back together with your ex? Or did you embarrass him in front of his friends?" I mirrored her smile with one of my own.

"Neither. But guess what? Someone revealed some of the mean girls' nudes and I bet you my three dogs that it was Chiharo. That dude has dirt on everyone." thank God that Chiharo is a friend of mine, otherwise my secrets would most likely be out. I doubt that he has anything on me, considering my family but I couldn't be completely sure.

" No way. Karma is real, huh?" we started walking to our before school smoke place while talking.

"More than real. And get this, she's swearing on her life that it isn't her. Like we're gonna believe that bitch."

"What of the others? Their nudes weren't leaked, were they?"

"Oh no. They're just distancing themselves away from her and putting on an innocent act. Saying how she blackmailed them or whatever." I giggled at her disgusted face. You can tell that you're bad when even Yuki hates you.

We approached the gang exept Chiharo wasn't with them. Jake saw us first but he started talking to me:"Hey! You gotta treat us to lunch today! Don't think that I haven't forgot about that."

"Haha. Of course I haven't. You think that I'm just gonna leave you without a lunch today? We going out to eat or staying in the school?"

"Aren't your nerd fiends going to bug you about eating outside and how that's a major crime?"

Get away, demon!|Jotaro x readerWhere stories live. Discover now