001- "i am the only singer you know"

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"i'm out of here!" minjae shouted from the door, she held her bag in one hand and held the door with the other

"where you going?" minhyun, her older brother asked walking down the stairs

"she's meeting her boyfriend!" her younger brother miki mocked entering the living room, minjae stuck her tongue out at the younger boy

"just to meet my friends, god min you're not dad!" minjae complained, "see ya later!" she shut the door walking down the steps

"did she just-" minhyun gasped pointing at the door from the stairs, miki laughed at his older brother.


minjae walked into hyunsuk's apartment to hear jihoon blasting cardi b, "once upon a time and i heard that i was ug ah lee!" he sang dancing around the living room, "came from a bitch who _ wanna fuck on me!"

"what're you doing?" minjae chuckled closing the door

"if it's up, then it's up, then it's up!" his shoulders danced ignoring minjae completely

he walked over to hyunsuk, "bitches ain't fucking with me now and i can see why" he pointed his index finger at hyunsuk, who was writing something down, "dirty ass dusty ass bitch you got pink eye!" he continued dancing around the living room leaving minjae even more confused

"what is he doing?" she walked into the kitchen where jaehyuk was cooking eggs for his noodles

she slurped some of his noodles into her louth before he turned around, "i don't know he just started dancing." jaehyuk shrugged, "so what's up?"

"i came to show my paper to junkyu, is he here?" she asked opening her bag to look for her english paper. she thought she wasn't the best with grammar.

"i haven't seen him anywhere, he might be upstairs." jaehyuk pointed to the stairs, he took the egg off the frying pan and into his noodles

"would you quit it!" hyunsuk shouted pushing jihoon off of him, "hey jae!" he waved to the girl as she waved back

she walked up the stairs to see junkyu and yedam scrolling on their phones in junkyu's room, "juni, i have my paper!" minjae dangled her paper walking into the room

yedam and junkyu's eyes immediately looked to the girl walking in, "about time!" junkyu jumped off the bed and slid into his desk.

"yeah, sorry it was hard to write!" she defended taking his spot on the bed, "what's up, dami?"

"not much, i have a midterm in two days. i might strain my voice for that one." he informed the girl

"why do you say that? you're the best dang singer i know!" she complimented him, making him roll his eyes

"minjae, i am the only singer you know." minjae gasped glaring at him

"the best for sure!" she giggled, "any word from doyoung and jeongwoo?" she asked sitting up on her elbows to look at junkyu

"actually yeah, they made it to tokyo." yedam informed her getting off the bed, "they don't start school until monday."

"and if their teachers like them they can stay in japan for the rest of the school year, pretty dope huh?" junkyu proudly smiled, "are you sure you don't want to be a writer? you're really good!" junkyu held up the paper in his hands, minjae was the best writer they knew but she always downplayed her skills

"you know i can't!" she complained laying down on the bed again, "i'm the only one with the highest grades in high school. minhyun will probably end up being a world famous dancer along with miki!" she breathed out her resentment

"you'll be a great doctor, jae!" yedam encouraged leaving the room.

"do you think i will be?" she asked junkyu staring at the ceiling

"give me a sec!" junkyu got up from his desk to walk to his door, "she's spiraling again!" he shouted from the stairs

"junkyu!" minjae shouted

she could heard feet running up the stairs at that very moment, "minjae, you'll be the best doctor in the whole wide world!" jihoon jumped onto minjae's body making her laugh

"thanks jihoonie!" she pinched his cheeks

"yah, yah!" he smacked her hands away from his face, "i'm a man!" he pushed himself off the bed and puffed his chest out towards her

"shut up! now come on, hyunsuk is ordering pizza!" yedam leaned on the doorframe, all three of them looked at each other then raced down the stairs

"i won!" jihoon smirked at yedam and junkyu, minjae chuckled walking down the stairs

as minjae sat down on the couch a notification popped up on her phone, it was instagram.

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