009- "i wish i was there to see"

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how was ur day?


it's better now

what are you being for

me and my friends are just
gonna be hogwarts students

what about u?

also any plans?

i'm not sure yet

i know halloween is tmrw
but idk what to be lol

and yeah me and my friends
are going to a party but
it'll probably be boring

i think u should be edward
scissor hands 🥰

a party! that sounds like fun

me and my friends are going to
one too lol

r u a fun partygoer?

i can be, if i want to

alcohol and yoshi don't mix th o

ooo an alcohol party

same i'm a lightweight

probably won't drink much

sounds very fun

i wish i was there to see

i wish u were too...

can i be honest?

yes pls

i don't ever talk to boyz
bc of my studies u know
plus boys don't like that i have
so many guy friends but i don't see
them as anything other than friends.

there's something about you, yoshi.
i can't quite figure it out

i like talking to you, it's been what
3 days?
and i really like talking to you.

i'm the same way.
i never talk to girls with much
excitement like how i feel about u

it's weird, isn't it?

no one has intrigued me as much
as you have and we barely know each
other lol

i really like talking to you too

can i ask something?


can i phone you?

i would like to hear ur voice.

i think i would like that.

okay gimme a sec!

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