029- don't take my breath away too soon

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the boys were the first to arrive, the restaurant was decorated beautifully just for minjae. the girls did a fantastic job.

yoshi's nerves started to shoot up his veins as he thought of minjae walking through that door. he didn't know what to do first. should he hug her? would he kiss her? would she want that? would she even want a hug? all these questions filled his head as he sat in the back not wanting to be seen

the front door opened making all the heads in the restaurant turn to the door, only to be disappointed by minjae's brothers, "goddamn minjae has so many boyfriends." miki joked walking in

"she does." minhyun scanned the room for yoshi, "did the real boyfriend not come?" he questioned stepping more into the restaurant

at that mention yoshi walked out of the back shyly, he didn't know if minjae's brother actually liked him since he was always so hostile whenever minaje told him about him, "that will be me!" yoshi held up his hand rejoining the crowd

miki and minhyun looked at the boy and then to each other shrugging their shoulders, "looks harmless." minhyun nodded, yoshi let out a sigh without realizing he was holding one in.

"why were you hiding in the back?" miki spoke in japanese to make yoshi feel more comfortable with them

yoshi turned to look at minjae's younger brother, he almost stepped back in shock. he was expecting someone so small but her brother was tall. "i didn't want to accidentally ruin the surprise." he answered

"i think you should stand in the middle so she can see you first. she would be so shocked." miki laughed

"yeah!" minhyun agreed excitedly, "once she walks in you could be standing in the centre and we'll all be hiding with the lights off and when she walks in we'll jump up and yell "surprise!" but she'll only be looking at you. i think that would be more fun." minhyun explained, he was suddenly so involved when he didn't even like yoshi in the first place.

"that would be coo—" yoshi started but was cut off by junkyu shrieking behind them

"lia texted me! they're 5 minutes away!" he shouted, the room suddenly became chaotic. people were jumping in front of people and behind chairs and tables.

hyunsuk jumped for the lights and everything went black, yoshi stood out in the open waiting. he's been waiting for this moment for months, his stomach was twisting and turning once he noticed her silhouette outside

"no peeking!" ryujin demanded leading minjae into the room

"well don't let me run into anything!" she argued back, yoshi's smile grew hearing her voice

"strange, why are the lights out?" yuna questioned giggling

"very funny!" minjae sarcastically said

"chaeryeong find the lights!" lia shouted trying to navigate thru the darkness

chaeryeong was lead to the lights by someone she couldn't make out, once her hands touched the lights they turned on. "surprise!" the crowd shouted immediately jumping up at the same time as the blindfold came off

minjae didn't even look around once her eyes landed on the japanese boy in front of her, "y-yoshi!" she stuttered, tears brimmed her eyes at the sight of him.

"minjae." yoshi breathed out walking towards her, minjae ran towards him and jumped into his arms. tears streamed down her face as she wrapped yoshi in her arms tightly

yoshi couldn't imagine himself letting go of her anytime soon, the couple stood there holding each other for a while. it felt like no one else was around them when they knew their friends surrounded them.

"how did you get here?" minjae whispered

"i was going to see you even if i had to swim to you. that was the plan all along,"  yoshi admitted. there wasn't ever a doubt in his mind that he wouldn't have been at her birthday, he was getting here one way or another.

minjae pulled away to stare at his face, her hands went up cupping his face, tears stained her cheeks as she stared into yoshi's eyes. "i love you." she breathed out happily, she was finally saying it to his face and it felt amazing. she felt like she had the world in her hands, and she did. she had her world in her hands.

"don't take my breath away too soon. my girl," yoshi muttered placing his forehead onto hers

minjae chuckled, "did you steal that from dpr live?"

"maybe." he smiled, kissing her forehead. "i love you so much, my girl." he stated lifting up her face, he hesitated for a minute until minjae smashed her lips onto his. it was a sweet and fast kiss since they had eyes on them.

minjae wrapped her arms around his waist as she rested her head on his chest, "you can't leave me now. i won't allow it." she declared tightening her grip on him

"well, it's a good thing i'm staying for the summer!" he announced into her ear

she gasped looking up at him, "i love you so much, yoshi."

"i love you so much more."

long distance . kanemoto yoshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now