010- "i just wanted to hear your voice"

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minjae sat on her bed waiting for her phone to ring. it was 7 pm and she should be doing her homework but the thrill of hearing yoshi's voice blocked everything else out

"what're you doing?" minhyun questioned his sister opening her door, his head peeked in with an eyebrow raise

she jumped snapping her head to look at him, "nothing! what do you want?" she glared at the older boy, who was only 3 minutes older

"i'm going out with my friends, miki is your responsibility." he pointed his index finger at her

"where is he?" she asked

"in his room, i'll be back later. before dad gets home so i advise you to—" before he could finish his sentence minjae's phone went off

"okay i got it, leave now!" she got up to slam the door in her brothers face, and locked it. "hello?" she picked up the phone without realizing her racing heart

"minjae?" yoshi questioned on the other line, you could hear someone banging on a door on his line

"is this a bad time?" she chuckled sliding down her door, her cheeks filled with colour at yoshi's chuckle

"no! not at all, it's just doyoung and mashiho." he answered shyly, "i just wanted to hear your voice." he smiled, his heart raced

minjae tried her hardest not to squeal into the phone, "i like your voice." she admitted blushing

before anyone could respond banging came at minjae's door, "minjae, open the door!" the sound of her fathers voice made the blood drain from her face

"uh, i have to call you back!" she quickly said, hanging up before yoshi can utter a reply, she got up from the floor opening her bedroom door, "yes, dad?" she asked swinging the door open

"were you talking on the phone instead of studying?" he pointed to her phone, his face held a stern look while staring at her

"just lia! it was quick." she promised, "uh, dad i was going to ask, since it's the weekend and i've finished my work i was wondering if i could spend the night at lia's?" she wondered looking up at her dad

"i don't see why not." he nodded, "where's miki?" he asked

"his room. minhyun went out and will be back later." she remembered nodding

"okay, well back to work." he instructed pointing to her desk full of last minute work

"yes sir!" she playfully saluted, he smiled leaving her room. "yes!" minjae cheered shutting her door happily.

long distance . kanemoto yoshinoriWhere stories live. Discover now