038- "why do you like him so much?"

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minjae and yoshi were standing in the kitchen playing sokodomo on her phone. the popcorn was popping in the microwave and she was grabbing a few extra bags just in case

"why do you like him so much?" yoshi questioned looking at her music on her phone

"did you just say that to me?" she turned around raising an eyebrow, "listen to west side cling right now!" she demanded pointing at him

the song played and yoshi started feeling the music, it was a good song he thought. "okay fine it's good." he agreed

"yoshi, i love you, but have you not watched show me the money 10?" she questioned walking over to him, she took his hand in hers


"oh my god, yoshi!" she gasped pushing him away, "let's abandon this movie night and watch it!" minjae excitedly clasped her hands together, giving yoshi a cute smile trying to pressured him

"yah! dont!" hyunsuk shouted from behind the couple, minjae pouted turning around to face hyunsuk. yoshi wrapped his arms around minjae's body comfortably, "if they're bringing down my bed, you are here!" he sternly said walking towards the couch

"ne!" minjae grumbled relaxing into yoshi's chest, "can you get me a bowl?" she turned around wrapping her arms around his neck

yoshi leaned down to kiss her, once he pulled away she pouted again, "i could kiss you forever." he whispered, kissing her again

"you guys are so sick!" jeongwoo complained grabbing a bowl to pour the popcorn in

"shut up!" minjae muttered against yoshi's lips

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