039- "i think its time for you to leave"

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friday finally rolled around to minjae's dismay. the couple stood outside her childhood home holding her boyfriends hand trying to get the courage to open the door. yoshi stood patiently watching her not wanting to push her more than he's have.

"minjae we could leave if you really wanted to, i don't want to cause you anymore harm." yoshi blurted out rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand

minjae let out a breath cuddling under yoshi's arm, "no, it's okay. just give me a minute!" she held onto his the side of his shirt, mentally preparing herself for her fathers lectures.

before the couple could continue their conversation a voice interrupted them by walking closer to them, "am i at the right house?" they whispered to themself making the couple turn around to the voice, "minjae!" the woman gasped looking at her daughter all grown up

"mom?" she questioned letting go of yoshi, minjae became confused and a bit relieved now yoshi wouldn't be the only talk of conversation.

"my my minjae, look how beautiful you've become!" darae smiled at her daughter proudly not wanting to step forward, "i see you have a guest?" she gestured to yoshi who was standing off to the side awkwardly

minjae looked to yoshi and back to her mother trying to realize if she was dreaming, she stepped forward in front of yoshi grabbing onto his hand, "this is my boyfriend yoshi." she introduced as yoshi stepped forward too, "yoshi this is my mother darae." she looked back at him as he bowed respectfully in front of her.

"oh yoshi, you don't have to do all that. im okay with a handshake." darae stepped closer extending her hand with a smile, she was glad her daughter found a boyfriend faster than she would've thought.

the door swung open as yoshi shook darae's hand, "min—" minjae's father stopped dead in his tracks as he looked at his ex wife standing next to minjae's boyfriend. "darae?" he questioned in disbelief tilting his head in confusion

"yeah it's me, i made it." she nodded stepping into the home, min was sat at the couch staring at his younger brother that was in the kitchen setting plates on the table, "minhyun!" darae ran into the home straight to her son

minhyun stood up in shock hugging his mother, "mom?" he questioned holding onto her

"how are you my boy?" she questioned him, the pair started talking while minjae, yoshi and minsik stood outside the home watching them.

"dad, this is yoshi!" she turned to the two men beside her, she tried to ignore the surprise guest in the home and wanted to concentrate on her father and boyfriend. "he's from japan." she added smiling at the boy who had a small smile on his face

"hello mr bae!" yoshi bowed respectfully, he tried to make a good impression on minjae's father but he seemed to have a stern look on his face.

he didn't budge until darae walked over to the door, "it's nice of you to come tonight, yoshi!" she welcomed him in, giving minsik a quick glare.

after the shock the family was all sat in the kitchen having dinner, awkwardly. no one tried to speak up, the room was quiet. minsik stared at his daughter and her boyfriend uneasy. his ex wife felt uncomfortable looking at miki so she tried to leave him out of most of her conversations. the kids tried to avoid minsik and darae's eye contact at all costs.

"so you're from japan, yoshi?" darae started turning her attention to the boy next to minjae

"yeah, i am." he answered politely, "i heard miki is half japanese, right?" yoshi looked over to miki with a smile, miki smiled back at him.

"yes, he is. we all speak japanese too. miki felt uncomfortable at first but once he saw his siblings learning it, he didn't have a worry at all." minsik smiled at his youngest son, the bae families pride and joy.

"you made my children learn a language they didn't even need?" darae glared at minsik once again putting down her chopsticks

"we wanted to!" minjae snapped looking at her mother, every time she was around she tried to make miki feel unwanted when that was the farthest thing he was. "not only can we speak a second language, we can have a conversation without you making miki feel left out." minjae spoke in japanese with ease, making everyone at the table chuckle except her mother.

"minjae i will not have you do this again." darae scolded staring at her daughter. miki's smile immediately turned into a frown at the older woman's voice rising.

"darae, this is my house you won't speak to my children like this." minsik cut her off glaring at her

"they're my children too, minsik." she replied, "i will speak however i like. you're the one who messed up our family."

"he didn't do anything, he made it better." minjae defended standing up from her spot, "you come to our house every once in a while and make our brother feel so bad for being born and i won't stand for it anymore." she glared at her mother, she left everyone in shock. minhyun smiled at his younger sister.

"i think it's time for you to leave." minsik looked at darae with a straight face.

darae stood up glaring at everyone at the table, she was beyond hurt, and couldn't stand the way they spoke to her. "you were once a nice girl, minjae. i left you without a mother figure for too long, i am sorry." she grabbed her things quickly leaving the bae residence.

everyone was silent, minjae was in shock. she started uncontrollably sobbing, falling to the floor the minute her mother left. yoshi immediately fell to the ground with her, he held her while she sobbed in his arms. "it's okay, minjae, it's okay." he soothed her, holding onto her tightly.

minsik watched his daughter with a frown, the two boys stood opposite of the scene. minsik looked at miki and then to minhyun, "come on, miki." minhyun guided his younger brother away so his sister could have privacy.

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