Chapter 8

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Posted by Januva | Mar 9, 2017 | Mob | 15 |

Surprise 😀 Mob chapter 8 is out! Krrizis and I were working on chapter 7 and 8 respectively around the same time so we have these 2 chapters released so closely together. Do share what you think of Mob on our novelupdates page here. It's fine to be honest whether you like it or hate it 😀

As Krrizis has mentioned in the previous chapter, we have a Patreon now over here. You can support us by donating ^^! We don't pocket the money ourselves and our priority for the cash will always be

1) renovating the site for better feasibility,

2) domain renewal

3) raws for any current projects that have light novels (just for the pictures) and the rest can go into new projects that the translators here are interested to pick up that have light novels.

I'm sorry for being so naggy but Ainushi team is still looking for 1 more Editor and 1 more Translator. Please visit our recruitment page here if you are interested ^^.

Chapter 8 - What in the blazes!? What's this!?

TL: Januva
TLC: Krrizis
Editors: Momielxai & Puissansa

Heading towards the kitchen, I deftly prepared tea. By no means was I running away.

Well....alright. I did run away. I ran away, alright!?

Or rather, I would like to know who wouldn't run away from that situation. There's no way anyone wouldn't, right?!!

For someone not to run away from the smiles of those beautiful brothers...aah, but if he died instantly, then he couldn't have escaped.

Even while escaping from reality, I was still treating the tea utensils with proper courtesy*.

(TLN: The raw implied a sense of respect towards the tea utensils which is likely due to their practices in proper tea ceremony)

This is also the result of my previous life. Moreover, I'm grateful to this world for having similar utensils to the ones in my past life.

Thank you, my previous life's Kaa-sama. My previous life wasn't futilely lived.

It's a relief that the lifestyle here isn't too different from that of my previous life - perhaps due to the fact that this world was a shoujo manga world drawn by the Japanese.

The only difference, image-wise, is that magic has replaced electrical appliances. Common-folk who can't use magic have lifestyles similar to those of the early Showa era*, while the rich, the nobles and magicians lead comfortable lives like those of Heisei era*.

(TLN: Showa era: 1926-1989. Heisei era: 1989-modern day)

For example, in the kitchen, common-folk that can't use magic have to rely on hearths.

Magicians, nobles and the rich, on the other hand, use a magical artifact similar to modern kitchen systems.

Sorcerers are people who become mages when a magic probing stone gives a reaction. They can only take in a small amount of magic power into their body and while they are able to convert it, they could neither use spells nor sorcery with that amount of magic power. Hence they have to insert magic stones into their magical circuits, store magic power in stones to make mana crystals and insert them into the magical artifacts that they craft.

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