Chapter 36

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Mob... Sore mo Waki Mob no Hazu Nan Desu Kedo!?
CH 36

From an Interview to an interrogation!?
"Well, for now, let's put that aside. There are so many things I want to confirm. Look, both Az and you, take a seat somewhere."
Prompted by Mooks-san, I sat down on the edge of the bed first, while Suou pulled a chair near and took a seat. Confirming this, Mooks-san also brought a chair closer to the bed and started speaking.
"What should I start with first? From the beginning... first of all, how were you able to sense the abnormality with those cloaked figures?"
"Premonition? Ow, that hurt!!"
Before I could finish saying everything, Mooks-san hit me on the head!!
"Don't joke around with your answers."
Yikes, I was hit! When I cautiously turned my gaze towards Mooks-san, his triangular eyes had become even sharper, and I couldn't meet his gaze. Super scary... Mooks-san was in work mode! But I wasn't lying...
"No, really, it's not a joke. Personally, I truly felt that way. There was a disturbance in my body, as well as in the magic around my body. It felt really uncomfortable, almost like a premonition. I've never felt anything like this before, so I woke up suddenly from my sleep."
"Huh? Oh... well, sorry about that. So why do you think that's connected to the cloaked figures?"
After explaining in a somewhat disjointed manner, was my explanation too simple? Ugh... I forgot they know about my magic now, so I was subtly trying to cover it up. Ah... now that I think about it, how pointless was that?
"I thought it might be because they were using some sort of spell on the cloaked figures. In fact, when I investigated the magical energy I used on them, it became really chaotic. Magical energy wouldn't react like that unless something was wrong, like if the spell was removed or the target had died. So, I thought something had happened. That's why I used that magical energy as coordinates and used teleportation magic to infiltrate the royal castle. The rest is as I explained earlier."
Mooks-san seemed lost in thought for a moment, then turned his gaze towards me.
"Is that spell you mentioned referring to the protective magic you talked about earlier?"
"No, it's not a protective magic. It's more like a curse that brings bad luck."
"You mean you used two types of magic? Did you use it when you encountered them today? If so, the protective magic doesn't make sense, does it? Considering the situation you described, you'd typically use a different attack magic instead of a curse that brings bad luck. Unluckiness and protection are completely opposite in nature. When did you even cast it?"
I was speaking without thinking, but I'm starting to feel like this isn't good. There were still things that could go wrong with what I said... they should realize that if they think about it. Oh, but if I try to cover up one thing, I'd have to cover up many others to make the story fit, and if I keep explaining, I'll definitely slip up. In my case, I've already slipped up once... no, multiple times.

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No, I haven't done anything wrong, have I!? I should just speak honestly... but I have a feeling I'll get scolded. What should I do?
"Az? Can you honestly tell us everything? When, where, and who did you cast the magic on? If something happened when you cast it, confess that too."
I'm feeling a weird sense of déjà vu!! And did they already find out that something happened when I cast it? Are they fishing for information!? When I cautiously glanced at Mooks-san again, I felt an unspoken pressure that wouldn't allow any evasion.
"When you encountered those lackey dogs, you didn't seem to use any magic. Also, I just remembered, didn't you mention encountering those dogs before?"
Oh nooo! What is this person saying!? Why bring up something irrelevant at such an inconvenient time! I want to sew this person's mouth shut. Without thinking, I glared at Suou, and a large hand grabbed my head, turning it towards a different direction. Naturally, my gaze followed the new direction. There were those incredibly frightening triangular eyes...
"Don't waste your time with pointless thoughts. Just tell the truth. If you try to hide anything, I'll not only restrict your missions but also revoke your agency registration on the spot."
"!?!?! I'll talk. I'll talk, of course!! I was planning to talk anyway! I've never even thought about trying to deceive anyone!"
What a terrifying abuse of authority! My place of work! There's a dark cloud over the Towanonus Resettlement Plan!!
"What should I even start with? Um, first of all, as Suou said, I did encounter those cloaked figures before. However, only four out of the seven. I cast the curse after the previous encounter. I figured out it was the four out of seven due to that curse. And then..."
"Wait a moment!?"
Suddenly, Suou grabs my shoulder, surprising me. Mooks-san also looks at Suou and, like me, appears startled.
"You mentioned encountering them before. When was that?"
Despite my irritation from earlier, I answer honestly due to their expressions.
"Huh? It was about three weeks ago, I think?"
"Three weeks ago..."
Not only Suou but even Mooks-san seems lost in thought at my response.
"You said you cast the curse after encountering them before, right? Specifically, what kind of curse was it? And how many people did you cast it on?"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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