Chapter 22

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Posted by Krrizis Ainushi | Oct 18, 2017 | Mob | 12 |

Mob: Chapter 22 - Please no prohibition on going out! Hey, someone listen to me!?

Editor: Kai

QC: Rin Lee

While I was surrounded by the people from the Agency, the Knights tied up the men in black and dragged them back here. At this time, the wounded man also came over. Being surrounded by a large number of people, the sense of oppression was great, but if I lose here I will definitely regret it later! Pull yourself together, me!!

[Why is Az here?]

One of the subscribers from the Agency asked me and I unconsciously swallowed my saliva but I told them the same thing I told Captain-san. However, they all put on strange faces. Wuu...I have a bad feeling.

[Let me check for a moment. So Az was saved by this man here? Really...? It wasn't Az that saved him??]

I listened to the pause with the slow tone of their voice. Moreover, the gazes hurt a lot. I'll vomit blood!! But I won't lose! I will do my best for the future me! I can do it! Only I can do it!!

[Yes! I was saved by this person!!]

I spoke as I pointed to the man who was somehow next to me, but everyone from the Agency and Captain-san tilted their heads. Only the remaining Knights were nodding their heads. There was a subtle air flowing around my surroundings.

[Captain. Was there any points of suspicions?]

As one of the knights called out to the captain upon noticing the Captain's behaviour, Captain-san approached the men in black. After confirming the situation, he headed towards the place where the men in black had collapsed. The people at the Agency also did the inevitably everyone moved in succession.

[You know, I think it's strange. Notice that there are blood stains sticking to the lower side of the wall and on the ground? The bloodstains are quite new. I can't see any bleeding on the attackers or on Asnord-kun. Then, whose bloodstains are those? If you think logically, it is reasonable to believe that the man who saved Asnord-kun was sitting there.]

Captain-san, who was looking at the bloodstains, suddenly turned around and flashed a great smile. However, all I could feel was horror!!

[It's strange. If he was sitting over there, then how could he have saved you Asnord-kun?]

Hii! I should have erased those bloodstains. I didn't notice it until I was told though! I could have erased it with purification magic. I don't have the time to discuss these arguments that I don't understand!! But still, this is a battle I can't afford to lose here!!

[He most likely sat down after saving me! Since he is covered with injuries!!]

As I said that, Captain-san's smile widened even further. Wuu...I want to escape. I want to run away!! There, a lifeline!!

[This... amazingly, only the vital points of the men in black are injured. Apart from the vital points there are no traces of a fight. It was all decided with a clean hit to the vital points. It truly is a merciless strike that was made brilliantly. When going against these kinds of people you need not only knowledge, but also skills. And I know a person who often gives such damage very~ well. Moreover, that person is here at this place?? Right, Az?? Also, when we ran over here, this onii-chan, he was close but he was sitting at a different place?]

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