Chapter 3 - The Campfire

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Y/N awoke and she instantly felt shock run through her body. She was... alive? How? She died. She was put on a meathook and left to die, but she didn't feel any pain. There were no scratches or bruises anywhere on her body.

Then came even more confusion. Where was she? She looked around and saw a light in the distance and what looked like, people? Was she at a campsite or something? She was glad to see more people, but still confused.

She ran towards them as fast as she could but was stopped by some black and orange spikes. This was getting weirder by the minute. When she tried to jump over them, the spikes rose up. When she tried to squeeze through, the spikes enlarged, making it impossible to get through. This was probably the weirdest thing anyone has ever experienced.

Now what was she gonna do? Wait and die of dehydration? Adapt to life in the woods? You know what? Fuck it. Let's go through the woods. What's the worst that could happen aside from being mauled by a wild animal.

Y/N walked through the woods for what seemed like hours. Her legs were aching and she needed to rest, but kept going. There was something beyond the endless trees, she was sure of it. But that massive pile of leaves looks so comfy, surely it wouldn't hurt to lie down in it for a few minutes right?


All was quiet. It was dark outside and everyone was asleep. Except for one person.


Yeah, he's awake. Him of all people. He'd stayed up all night trying to think of something to help him get a girlfriend. He rushed up to Myers' room and knocked on the door. The door creaked open and Micheal was standing in the doorway, he wasn't saying anything, he was just breathing heavily.

Ghostface: "hey micheal, can I come in?"

He snuck past Myers and into his room. He turned the light on and sat down on his bed.

Ghostface: "so i came up with a plan, you wanna hear it?"

Myers: "..."

Ghostface: "sweet. so you know how there's that boundary between us and the survivors?"

Myers: "..."

Ghostface: "im gonna try and cross it. you think i'll get through?"

Myers shook his head and Ghostface was visibly disappointed.

Ghostface: "come on dude, don't be like that. you're meant to encourage me."

Ghostface left the room and went to go get his outfit on. He stood in the living room, clutching his knife. He also decided to bring his camera. His room was filled to the brim with pictures of people he obsessed over, mostly Amanda. fuck.

There was a part of him that wanted to go back and apologise to her. But it's too late for that now, it's all in the past. Plus, if he did go apologise, the plan would go to waste. But on the other hand, he could maybe get Amanda back.

He wanted her more than anything, except maybe killing people. And for Micheal to talk. And also infinite film. But she was still so important to him.
He made up his mind. He started to walk back upstairs, defeated.

But then...


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