Chapter 4 - The Bloodbath

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Ghostface: "OW! FUCK!"

Ghostface was lying on the ground covered in glass shards. He jumped through the window. What a dumbass.

Ghostface: "shoulda just used the fucking door. why am i like this?"

He got up and walked through the woods. Clutching his camera, looking for someone to stalk and take pictures of. But in order to obsess over someone new he would have to take down all of the pictures of her that lined his walls.

That would take some effort, since there were probably over 200 of them. If only he could turn back time and stop his past self from being extra creepy. He probably shouldn't think about that while out stalking.

Ghostface: "if only micheal was here, he could probably spot someone from like 5 miles aways. he's probably not even human."

Then Ghostface heard a noise. It sounded like... snoring? Who the fuck was sleeping in the middle of the woods? He pulled out his knife and entered stealth mode. Then, he saw her. She was just sleeping on a pile of leaves, that's weird.

Loads of thoughts rushed through Ghostface's mind. Mostly consisting of thoughts about her appearance. Shame he's gotta kill her since she's not the person he's looking for.

Wait a minute, since survivors regenerate in the purgatory between trials, couldn't he just kill her and abduct her? Yeah, that's a good idea, well done Ghostface! (for once)

Ghostface brought the knife above his head and plunged it into her heart. Blood sprayed everywhere and coated part of his mask with red.

Still deathly silent, Ghostface put his knife back in the holster and picked up the body of the girl. He carried it all the way back to the entrance of the mansion but there was a problem. The door was locked. He'd have to throw her through the smashed window.

Eventually, he got back to the mansion. He threw the body through the window, getting glass shards stuck in her back. He entered the house and took the body into his room. He sat it down on his office chair and thought of what he should do with the body.

He spun the chair around and chuckled. Seeing a lifeless, limp corpse spinning around was funny to him. That was just the way his sadistic brain worked. Then it struck him. He could put it in the bathtub.

Y/N Pov

Oh shit. Where am I? Why is the room red? Am I in a darkroom? No, I'm in a bathtub. This can't be a darkroom. Wait, why does this room have a red light bulb anyway? To be scary? Because it isn't working.

I should probably let the person who kidnapped me know I'm awake, since I obviously don't die.

Y/N: "Hey whoever kidnapped me, I'm awake now. Just letting you know"

Ghostface: "oh fuck."

Who the fuck was that? And why did they sound so surprised? Are they that fucking dumb? Who cares.

Third Person

Ghostface enters the room in his outfit, holding his knife soaked in Y/N's blood.

Ghostface: "well hello there, who are you? i've never seen you before."

Y/N: "First of all, I'm Y/N. Second of all, who are you and whats up with the outfit? It looks kinda cool to be honest."

Ghostface: "yeah i know right? everyone tells me it looks stupid, but i don't think- wait a minute, i got off track. my name is ghostface. nice to meet you Y/N"

Y/N: "So, are you friends with the guy with the mask and machete who uses the bear traps?"

Ghostface: "that's evan. don't worry about him, outside of trials he's a swell guy."

Y/N: "Am I just gonna sit in this empty bathtub forever or can I get out?"

Ghostface: "yeah you can come out now, but you're gonna need somewhere to sleep. you okay with sleeping on the couch?"

Y/N: "I slept on a fucking pile of leaves."

Ghostface: "right then, i'll get you a sheet and pillow. feel free to have a look around i guess."

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