Chapter 6 - The Training

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Ghostface: "you wanna go upstairs?"

Amanda: "I can't think of anything better to do, so yeah."

Amanda smirked while saying that and a previously confused Y/N now understood what she meant. This was very uncomfortable to be around.

Ghostface: "hey Y/N, you might wanna stay down here, it might get kinda messy in the room."

Y/N: "right."

The two of them went upstairs and Y/N stayed downstairs, watching TV. She was sat next to this guy with a big metal triangle on his head. This place had a lot of weird characters from levitating nurses to people with ink for hands.

Y/N went to go get something from the kitchen but then that same black mist that took her here formed around her again.

Y/N: "oh for fuc-"

Y/N awoke on a random farm. She walked around for a little bit before realising she was holding a knife firmly. That was odd. She walked around a bit more before spotting what looked like a generator.

The sight of it filled her with an indescribable rage. She didn't know why. She gripped the knife even harder and stared at it for a while before walking off in a random direction.

There were hooks scattered all over the place, the same ones which she was hung on and left for dead. She wanted to do that to others. Then she turned around, and saw what looked like scratch marks on the floor.

She followed them and eventually ran into one of those generators. This time it was partially functioning. She was absolutely furious. She was so mad that she kicked the damn thing. Turns out she was stronger than she thought. She has damaged the generator. Good.

Then, in the distance, something moved. It was probably nothing but she ran after it anyway. She thought that there was definitely something, or someone there. And she was right. She saw a person.

She instantly started to pursue them. The person was fast but Y/N caught up to them. She planted the knife in their back and they sped off. Y/N cleaned the knife but let the person run off. She had a plan.

Ghostface had taught Y/N how to be sneaky (somewhat) and she decided to try it out. She crouched around, trying to find people to stalk. She saw one. They were perfectly unaware. Bliss.

She observed them for a while, analysing where the best part to strike them would be. Y/N then started to get closer to them, step by step. They didn't notice at all. So Y/N snuck up behind them and stabbed them right in the neck.

She stared down at the body, cleaning the knife. It was alive, but that meant that she could torture it some more. Then she picked up the body. It was heavy, but that didn't matter. She would get used to it eventually. Then she began to think. What would she do with the body. Then it came to her, the meathooks.

Y/N carried the body over to a hook and placed it on there, listening to the screams that the person let out as they bled out. Y/N let out a little laugh. It was funny, watching it dangle there, lifeless.
But time to get back to work, there were 3 others left to kill.

And one by one, she took them out. Stalking them patiently and plunging her knife into them. It felt so satisfying.
So... liberating. To finally let out all that anger and frustration that she had kept to herself all those years.

That black mist surrounded her again. But instead of being brought back to the mansion, she arrived in a sort of library. There was this tall and elegant-looking being standing in front of her, though it was facing away from her, staring at a fireplace.

Then it turned around.

???: "So you passed your first trial. Well done."

Y/N: "Uh, who are you?"

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