Chapter 8 - The Survivors

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Most of the killers were sleeping. The only exception was, of course, Ghostface. He laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about what he could've done better and where it all went wrong. He eventually started to tear up. He felt an onslaught of tears coming on and whispered to himself.

Ghostface: "hush little ghostie, don't cry now."

He quietly repeated that to himself, until he couldn't hold back his tears any longer. He let it all out, crying into a pillow and screaming into it. He was being quite noisy, so naturally, Y/N woke up.

She was tired and pissed off, so she walked over to Ghostface's bedroom to go complain to him. However, when she opened the door, she was greeted with a teary eyed boy, rocking back and forth, repeating that same phrase to himself over and over.

Y/N's mood switched from angry to curious quickly, and she walked into his room, closing the door behind her.

Y/N: "Are... Are you okay?"

Ghostface looked up at her, then back down at the floor.

Ghostface: "Please leave me alone." Ghostface managed to get out while still crying.

Y/N: "I'm afraid I can't do that, sorry. Seriously, what's up?"

Ghostface ignored Y/N. Y/N eventually realised that trying to talk to him was useless, and so stopped attempting conversation. She stayed in the room though, sitting beside him on the bed. Just then, Ghostface's door creaked open, and a tall man stood in the doorframe, heavily breathing. Ghostface looked up to see who it was.

Ghostface: "M-Micheal?"

A campfire blazed, and crackles could be heard all around. There was a group of people gathered around it. They were chatting amongst each other, discussing the new killer. A timid man with glasses decided to chime in.

Dwight: "Hey, has anyone else noticed that shes kinda similar to Ghostface?"

David: "Aye, I was thinking that n' all."

Kate: "Maybe The Entity is just getting lazy?" Kate said with a humourous undertone. She always tried to lighten the mood, no matter the situation.

Jake: "Who knows, at least we know how to somewhat counter them if they are basically a carbon copy of Ghostface."

Dwight: "Yeah, that's fair. If anything, this is a good thing."

David: "Dunno how avin' a new killer round would be a good thing."

Jake: "It's not, its just a good thing that they're similar to another killer, so that we don't have to spend trial after trial learning how to counter them."

Just then, a black fog rolled in. A figure emerged out of the fog. It was... Y/N?

A/N: Sorry about two cliffhangers, I just can't help myself :)

Also, an apology is needed. Sorry for not updating this story in a while, I only recently got back into dbd after a while of not playing it, however, i promise to finish this story even if i do stop being obsessed with dbd again.

And thank you for reading <3

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