Chapter 5 - The Killers

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Y/N woke up and the first thing she saw was Ghostface, in his outfit, peering down at her and waving. She jumped.


Ghostface: "shhhhhhhh, the other killers don't know you're here. you're gonna have to stay in my room, don't worry i'll bring you food and shit. by the way, can i get your number?"

Y/N: "you're making a move this early?"

Ghostface: "no, i need it so we can text each other so i know when to bring you food and shit. dumbass."

Y/N: "Whatever."

Y/N gave Ghostface her contact information. It's gonna be pretty weird just staying in Ghostface's room all day everyday for the rest of her life. What's the problem with going downstairs anyway?

Y/N: "So why can't I go downstairs?"

Ghostface: "because the other guys don't know you exist, let alone that i'm hiding you."

Y/N: "But what would they even do? They can't kill me, since you couldn't"

Ghostface: "fair point, but still, stay up here."

Y/N: "fuck you man."

Ghostface: "i've heard that so many times it doesn't affect me anymore."

Y/N: "So are you gonna take off your mask?"

Ghostface: "i don't want you knowing what i look like."

Y/N: "Well if I basically live here now you might as well just take it off, it's gonna happen sooner or later."

Ghostface: "why are you so good at making points?"

Y/N: "It's just what I do, now take off your mask."

Ghostface: "ugh, fine."

Ghostface removes the mask.

Y/N: "Thanks dude."

Ghostface: "i hate you."

There was an awkard silence that went on for way too long. It was then interuped by...

Ghostface: "i'm gonna go piss, don't you dare go anywhere or i'll lock you in my darkroom."

He then left to go piss. Y/N then had a thought. Surely he has another outfit right? Another really cool outfit and mask. God, its so cool right? So then she could go and put it on and look really cool, but there's a problem.

She could get caught. But then she had a genius idea...

The TV was blaring in the living room. No idea what's on it though. Then someone came down the stairs. It was... Ghostface? Why does he look different?
Like, way different. He looks like a girl.
What happened?

"Ghostface" sat down on the couch and everyone stared at him, except Myers.
He was used to Ghostface's antics. Then someone approached him.

???: "Danny. You have some fucking nerve sitting down next to me. Wait, why are you a girl now?"

"Ghostface": "Oh, you know, uhhhhh. I took estrogen?"

???: "Estrogen doesn't work that quickly. What have you done with Danny?"

The person removes the Ghostface's mask.

???: "I have never seen you in my life, who are you and what relation do you have with Danny?"

Y/N: "I'm Y/N and Ghostface murdered me and then dumped my corpse into his bathtub."

???: "Thank you for explaining. My name is Amanda and I used to date that creature."

She pointed at the mask.

Y/N: "You dated the mask?"

Y/N said that with a humorous undertone. Unfortunately, Amanda didn't seem to pick up on that.

Amanda: "Are you fucking dumb? Of course not, I dated Danny."

Y/N: "You guys broke up? Why?"

Amanda: "It was only like 2 days ago, and it's because he's a real big creep. Don't trust him."

Y/N: "But he's been nice to me, and he doesn't seem all that creepy. Sure he murders people but you do too right?"

Amanda: "Well yeah, I do but just, look behind you."

Y/N looked and saw him, leaning from a corner, watching.

Ghostface: "what are you two talking about? and didn't i tell you to stay in my room?"

Amanda: "Did you attempt to kidnap her? You actual fucking weirdo."

Ghostface: "relax sugar, she stayed in my room willingly."


Ghostface: "yeah, i did. what about it?"

Amanda didn't answer. She just stood there, staring at him.

Amanda: "God, I'm so pathetic. Please forgive me for this."

Amanda walked up to Ghostface, holding his head in her hand, and kissed him.

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