Chapter 1

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**Hello my lovely people! I know i have another story up, but i think that it's completly crap. So i decided to make a Erei fanfic!!! yay! I'll try to keep this story going, and i hope to get my other one updated too. So enough with my chit-chat! On with the story! HOPE YOU ENJOY!!!**

Chapter 1

(Eren's P.O.V.)

        "Here you go sir! That'll be two-fifty,"  I said as I gave a custumer his cup of freshly made coffe. He paid for his drink, smiled, then went on his way. Since there was no one else in line currently, I decided to relaxe for a few seconds.

        "EREN!!!" A feminine voice screamed my name, coming into the cafe. I let out and annoyed huff and went back up to the register.

        "Hanji, what do you want? I'm working," I said, crossing my arms across my chest. "Well, it's nice to see you too," She said sarcasticly, rolling her eyes. "Anyways," she started, leaning on the counter, "I'm having a party later tonight, and i was wondering if you wanted to come. It'll be super fun!"

Oh boy...

        "Hanji, I-I don't know. I-I'm pretty busy tonight-" "With what exactly?!" she hollard at me, seeing through my lie. I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. "Come on Eren! I'm inviting some of my old friends, too! Maybe you'll even get lucky!~" she said, winking at me at the last part. I only gave her an 'I don't think so' look.

        "Geez, you are so anti-social!" She told me. Like i didn't already know that, Hanji? "Welp!" she announced, "I gotta get goin'! Hopefully I'll see you later, Jaeger! BYE!" And with that, Hanji skipped out of the cafe. I rubbed my temples and let out a loud sigh.

        After a few moments, another custumer came in. He glanced around the cafe, then our eyes locked for a few seconds. I felt heat rise to my face, and looked to the side for a bit before he came up to the counter to order.

        "Hello sir, what can i get ya'?" I asked with a brigth smile, as he scanned the menu. To be honest, he was sort of cute. He had raven hair which was in an undercut stye, and matched perfectly with his steal colored eyes. He had an expression of which looked like he could give a less of a fuck for anything. He looked to onl;y to be 3-4 inches shorter than me, but i could tell that he was at least in his late twenies.

        "Oi, I'll just have a black tea," He said. I slighly blushed from the sound of his voice. I put the order in the register, then quickly headed to make the tea. I came back shortly after i left and handed him his tea.

        "One forty-nine," I simply said that amount owed. He paid, then walked over to a table by the window. This isn't the first time he's come in and ordered the same thing, sand sat in the same spot, staring out the window at the park across the street.

        I've learned that his name was Levi from when he last came in wit hanother guy he called Erwin. I slightly sighed, and dissmissed my attention from the man, and turned it twards another custumer.


        Later that evening, I sat in my apartment that i shared with my older over-protective sister, Mikisa. I sat lazily on the couch, flipping through the channels on the T.V. Mikisa came out, wraping her scarf around her neck.

        "Are you coming to Hanji's party?" She asked. I only shrugged, and set the T.V. to a random channel. "Well, you should. You;ve been so cooped up here lately."

        I let out a moan with a heavy sigh. "Mikisa. I'm not going. If anything, Hanjis' just gonna try to set me up woth someone," I told her. She shifted her weight. "Mom would've wanted you to go..." she mummbled, before walking to the front door.

        "Don't talk about mom,"  I said under my breath with a frown. Our mother died two years ago from cancer. I don't like talking about it at all. If it wasn't Mikisa who just said that, I would have alreasy popped her in the jaw.

        "I'll be down in the car," she told me before walking out of the apartment. I sighed once more, then stood up and turned off the teleivision. I went to my room and got cahanged in red skinny jeans and a band T- shirt along with my black and white checkerd vans.

        I grabbed my phone then headed out the door, making sure to lock it behind me, and went down stairs to Mikisa's car.

**Welp! There's chapter one up! Sorry if it sucks, and if it's short or any spelling mistakes. I'll probably update it later to night, and tomorrow for sure. I have really big plans for this story and-SPOILER!!!-there is going to be a twist! So...




All that good stuff! Alrighty! Bai!

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