Chapter 10

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(Eren's POV)

It was a slow day today. I didn't have work, but Levi did. I was just mopping around his place bored as shit. I sat on the couch with a bag of chips in my lap while I was mindlessly going through random stations. Nothing good was on, at least nothing I liked. Leaving it on some channel, I just pulled out my phone to mess around on it. 

I decided to call Armin, just out or the boredom that consumed my mind.

"Hello?" He said when he picked up.

"Hey Armin," I said drowsily.

"Oh hey Eren, what's up?" 

"I'm bored, what are you up too?"

"Where's Levi at?"

"At work," I looked over at the clock then the door and sighed. "I need to do something or i'm going to die of boredom!"

Armin scoffed on the other line. "Your not gonna die, dude. If you want though, you can come over to my place for a while I'm not doing much," he said. 

I sighed again. "Sure, i guess i'll come over I guess. I'll be over in a bit."

"Alright cool. See you soon," he said then I said goodbye and hung up. I turned off the t.v. then stood up from the couch. I heading to the door when my phone rang. I pulled it out of my pocket again and saw that it was Hanji.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Eren you need to come to the hospital. Right now," Her voice sounded worried and scared. I furrowed my brows. "What? Why? Is everything okay?" I asked.

"Eren... Levi got in a car crash."

(10 minutes earlier, Levi's POV)   

I was lucky that i got off my shift early. It was really busy today but i'm glad I get to go home now. I get to see Eren. He's either still mopping and my place or at his house, either or, i had bought some food from a restaurant, Eren's favorite. 

I glanced at my phone on the passenger seat. I know it's dangerous to text and drive but i should at least tell him Im on my way home right? I reached over and grabbed it. I simply just texted 'be home soon', but before i could press send, I felt a huge pain on my left side, then all over my body. Then I couldn't see anything.

(Eren's POV) 

I ran into the hospital panting since I ran all the way here. I saw Hanji rush over to me.

"Eren! Eren!" She said loudly.

"Is he okay? Where is he? Where is he?!" I asked frantically.

"He's in surgery right now. I haven't seen him, but i was told he looks pretty bad." she told me. I tried to swallow the lump that had formed in my throat. 

'Please be okay, Levi. Please.'

//Hello, another update yay! But.. some bad news. I am losing interest in writing this story- but don't worry it will have an ending. I know that it's all pretty rushed though, and i'm very sorry for that. I will though do my best with updating my other stories. 

Okay, the really important thing: I don't know whether to make the ending sad or happy, i have ideas for both, but i need your guy's help. So. Please comment below if you want a happy ending, or a sad ending. In about a week or so i'll tally it all up and do which had the most votes. 

Thank you for reading, i hoped you enjoyed!!! :D//

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