Chapter 3

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**I'm so sorry i didn't update when I said I would, but here it is!! anyway, welcome back! sorry last chapter was short! this one will probably will be too, but hopefully chapter four will be longer!!!  Vote! Comment! Follow! Enjoy! You know, all that good stuff! BAI!**

Chapter 3

(Levi's P.O.V.)

I sat on the couch, watching everyone else having a 'good time', as they called it. I don't see how mindlessly getting drunk and playing stupid little games is having a 'good time'. Petra came over and sat by me after a while but i just ignored her.

"Hi Levi! Great party, uh?" she asked. I just made my 'famous' 'tch', as everyone called it. I do it so much, i guess it's just out of habbit. "Go away," i said a bit harsher than i wanted to, even though she was the one who broke my heart.

"Levi. Come on, we're still just friends, right?" she asked. I just ignored her again, and turned my head away from her. I could feel her glare at me. Then she left. I felt a slight weight lift off of my shoulders. But that one heavy one still remained.

I let out a sigh and glanced around the room. "CHUG! CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!" chanting was heard from the other side of the room. I whipped my head around to see what was going on, only to see Erwin chugging down on  one of those things to chug beer or whatever. I rolled my eyes and took a sip off the water I had.

~Time skip a few hours~(I am so brain dead right now)

(Eren's P.O.V.)

After a few hours at Hanji's party, I really wanted to go home because mostly every one was drunk. Yeah, I had a few, but not as much to make me act like a stupid lunatic.

"HEY I HAVE N IDEA!" Hanji slurred . Everyone perked up at her so called 'idea thing'.

"Let's play truth or daaare!" She said. I let out a sigh, and just stayed seated on the couch. "Come on Eren!" She said, grabbing my arm, and pulling me off the couch and dragging me to another room.

She dropped me on the floor, and i landed on my hip. Everyone else sat in a circle-even Mikasa- and Hanji got a bottle and sat in the circle too.

"Isn't this called 'spin the bottle'?" Armin asked. "Truth or dare, spin the bottle, make out with a unicorn! I don't care what it's called, it's still a game!" Hanji said. "Okay, so we all know how this is played, right?! Okay, so i'll go first and then so on and so on!" She said, and with that, she spun the glass bottle. It went around and around fast. Then it slowly started to stop. I glanced to my right to see Levi sitting next to me.

I turned my attention back to the bottle to see who it had landed on. It landed on Jean. Hanji had an evil smirk on her face. "Okay Jean... Truth or Dare?" she asked.

"Daaaare!~" He slurred.

"I dare you tooo..... kiss Marco! On the lips!!!" She said. "What?! NO!" Marco shouted with a blush dancing across his face. Jean shrugged, then lean to Marco, which was right next to him.

They made out for a minute or so. When Jean and Marco separated, Marco's face was a deep red, and Jean's face had a mild blush to it too.

Everyone snickered and laughed for a moment.

Jean sat back down in his spot, and took the bottle spinning it.

Miss-Matched (ErenxLevi)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon