Chapter 2

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**Ello! Her is another chapter in my Eren x Levi fanfic!!!!Pls Vote comment and follow! :D**

Chapter 2

(Eren's P.O.V.)

        Mikisa pulled into Hanji's driveway, and truned off the car. Mikisa looked at me and smiled. I didn't return it, and just sat in the passanger sdie and slummpled in the seat. She slightly frowned back then got out of the car and headed to Hanji's house. I stayed in her car, not being productive at all.

        "EREN!!!" Hanji pushed her face to the passanger side window. I jumped up being startled, and hit my head on the top of the car.

        "Damn my height," I said under my breath. "EREN! COME OUT!!!" she screamed. I slummped down again, trying to make my self dissaper. It wasn't helping.

        "EREN!!!" she screamed again, shaking Mikisa's car. "Hanji! Stop it!"

        "Then come out and party!"


        She opened the car door, more like praticaly ripped in off the door hindge, and grabbed my arm, pulling me out of the car. "Hanji! Stop it! You're hurting my arm!" I yelled at her, but she ignored my complaints, and sqeezed my arem tighter, making me slightly flich from her grip.

        I had no choice but to go into her house.

        To her dumb party.

        I have to be... social... god. She pushed me in the front door, and i would've face planted if i haven't ran into somebody. We both fell to the floor. "Oh! I'm so sorry. Ha-" I cut my self off as i looked at the person i landed on.

        "Oi, brat, just get the fuck off me," they said, pushing me off of them and standing once more. My mount nearly hit the floor. The person i fell on was The man from the cafe. It was Levi. "You have a problem, or what?" He asked in a darkish tone.

        "O-oh, yes.. i mean no. Sorry i bumped into you, sir. Hanji was-" "Wait, arn't you that kid from the cafe?" He said, cutting me off. Geez, at this rate, i won't even be able to finish a damn sentence here. "Uh, yeah!" I responded, putting out my hand to shake his. He made a 'tsk' noise. "Thought you looked familar, brat," he commented, ignoring my hand. I put my hand back to my side and watched him as he exited the current room.

        Hanji jumped on my shoulders and screamed in my ear, "OH MI GOSHD!!!! YOU TWO WOULD BE SUCH A CUTE COUPLE?!?!" I pushed her off me, and headed to find Armen and Mikisa.

        Yes, i had to admit, Levi was cute, and well built, but... i dout he was gay. And it probably would never work anyways.


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