Chapter 5

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(Eren's P.O.V.)

"Fine," Levi said I a bit of a nasty tone. He grabbed my chin, and just kissed me right then right there. My eyes widened, and I bet my face was cherry red. Wasn't I suppose to kiss him, though? Nah, this is fine.

I closed my eyes, and the kiss deepened. If he didn't want to kiss me, why is he still kissing me then? Dose he like it? Dose he like me? The others started to hoot and holler at out make-out session.

Oh my god?! What the fuck is going on?! I thought. I tried to pull away, but he only pulled me closer to him.

"WHOA! LEVI!!!" Hanji yelled. At that moment, we separated. We were both out of breath. It was silent in the room as everybody just stared at me a Levi. Levi let go of me, and sat in his original place. I was shocked, happy, scared, so many emotions flowed through me. Was he usually like this? Just playing by the rules or something? He looked up at me, then back at the floor with his arms crossed across his chest.

"Your a good kisser...." He mumbled so only I could hear. My face was really red and hot. "Cherry," He said with a small smirk. Wait, what did he just call me? Cherry??? I looked away to hide my face from him, knowing it was no use though.

"Alrighty Eren.... YOUR TURN TO SPIN THE BOTTLE!!!!!" Hanji screamed at me. I sighed, then spun the bottle. I followed it as it spun on the wood floor. It eventually land on Marco. Poor guy. Every time the bottle would land on him, he would pick dare. And every time he was 'dared' to kiss Jean.

"Truth or da-" "Truth, definitely truth!" He said, cutting me off. "Okay then..." I said, then trailed off into thinking about what to ask him.

"Marco, is it true that you enjoyed the kissing time with Jean?" I asked. His face immediately turned red. "I mean, it sure did looked like you enjoyed it," I added.He slightly gulped as everyone turned to look at him.

"W-well... it was o-okay... I guess. I-I mean....I-it was...." He stuttered. Everyone started to laugh.


After a bit more while of playing Hanji's game, I was really tired. I wanted to go home and just lay in my bed and sleep there forever. I sat on the ground with my eyes closed, listening to all the commotion around me from the others.

I opened my eyes as someone lightly shook my shoulder. I opened my eyes, and looked to my right to see Mikasa standing by my side.

"Eren, your tired. Let's go home," she said. I was a little hazy of my surroundings, but felt something get shoved in my jean pocket. ignoring it, I stood up, and followed Mikasa out to her car after saying bye to everyone.

When we got home, I went right to my room. When I took off my pants, I felt something paper-like in my pocket. I take the paper out, and unfold it. It was a number. Levi's number.

**YAY! It's updated once more. Sorry I didn't do it the other day like I said, I was having writer's block. Anyway~ was this one longer? Or not? PLEASE tell me what you think, I LOVE the feedback!!! It makes me feel good about my stories and keeps me motivated! Also, IDK what to do for the next chapter!!! XD So, like if you have any ideas or something, comment me or something! Follow, Vote, Comment! All that good stuff! Until next time~~~BAI!**

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