Seriously, I've Never Been Happier In My Life

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Leo's POV

My shell rests against the kitchen counter as a plate of food rotates in the microwave in front of me. I only set the reheat time for a minute, but my organizing mind takes much longer than that to sort out the branching problems I've recently learned of from the mission.

"Tell me why you were so interested in Y/n."

I stand over Raph's restrained form, glaring as his emotionless eyes peer up at me. I can feel other eyes on me, too. Donnie's from his station up front. Mikey's, April's and Casey's even as they pedal endlessly to power this tank. I'm only interested in the uncooperative, dead gaze below, that was sure to cause trouble for all of us.

"I won't ask again. Tell me what you know about her."

"Turtle will not retrieve information from Kraang. Turtle will talk to, what is known as, the hand."

That didn't really work for me. We only have so much time before this sub reaches the technodrome, but I wasn't letting that on. Instead I reach behind my back, and in the next moment my sword is at my brother's throat. I didn't have to unsheathe my other katana before he was giving in. Those guys actually get to talking pretty fast once threatened while defenseless and all alone. He didn't seem to either realize or care that I wouldn't cut my own brother's body.

"The one known as Karai commands Kraang to find Y/n L/n."

"You're working for the Shredder again?" Mikey's voice pipes up. "Since when?"

"Irritating turtle is incorrect. Kraang works with the one known as The Shredder."

"How long." I demand.

"Kraang and the one known as The Foot made a deal in order to eliminate mutant turtles several earth months ago."

The mention of The Foot makes something else connect in my memories.

"You made the upgrades for the foot bots."

"Affirmative. The one called Karai is what is known as, rather pushy."

"But why are you still looking for her?!" Mikey yells over the creaking pedaling and through exhausted panting. "Shred Head didn't wanna follow Karai's plan."

"They're probably just as scared of Karai as they are of Shredder." Casey laughed through his own labored breathing. "Kraang's are total wimps, yo!"

"What does Karai want with her?"

I'm met with silence. But, my brother's face is no longer expressionless. His eyes shift to the side, away from me. I move the edge of the blade from the side of Raph's neck, pressing it into the throat. Not enough that it would draw blood.

"Uh, Leo?"

"Tell me what she wants with Y/n."

There's not much change in features, but the hesitation before he speaks again says it all. "... Karai is wanting bait in order to destroy The Turtles."

Maybe that wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

"What. Else."

"Oh man–"

"You said she has something you want. What could–"

Donnie's distress cuts through the interrogation again. "PEDAL FASTER!"

"How? We're already pedaling as fast as–"

Something much worse stopped all of us, a sound that could make any of my brothers and me freeze up on the spot. Even Kraang-Raph.

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