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Splinter commands in his authoritarian voice. The four turtles raise from their crouching positions, drawing their weapons and observing and circling each other warily. I sit in buzzing but contained anticipation, sitting and leaning against the dojo wall. I receive a quick glance from Leo before he charges at Donnie at the same time Raph goes for Mikey.

They start battling it out. My eyes are trained on Leo most of the time, but I still notice when Mikey lands a blow on the back of Raph's knees. It was a simple but effective move, catching him off guard but not making him fall to the ground. Raph growls in a seething attitude a moment later. Mikey didn't seem fazed, as he stood ready, waiting for Raphael to recover. It's not until red-mask sits up with a fuming look on his face that Mikey's focused expression morphs into a suddenly terrified one. Mikey flinches and squeals when Raph charges at him in a battle cry. I can see he's starting off his day fired up early...

"Dude! Wait!"

He doesn't.

Raphael lowers his torso and strikes his little brother right in his stomach with his right shoulder. Mikey is sent flying back, skidding across the carpet with a groan.

"Not... ugh... bad..."

With another groan he sits up and crawls over to the other side of the room to watch the others. Donnie and Leo are still fighting, but only for a moment longer before Raph sneaks up behind Donnie and knocks him off his feet by ducking under the back of his legs. Donnie hits the floor with a thud, the air getting knocked out of him.

Leo looks from Donnie who was taken out in seconds before placing his gaze on Raph, eyes narrowing in focus. Raphael is radiating with aggressive excitement.

"Looks like Leo's leveled up to the boss fight."

"I'm gonna wipe that smirk off your face. Permanently."

They both lunge at each other at the same time. Metal meets metal in strident noises. Their movements are almost too quick to follow with the eyes and ears. The constant clanging finally stops when Leo spins a 360° and kicks Raph in the chest, sending him sliding across the carpet several feet back, but never loosing his ground. Raphael doesn't miss a second in lunging back at Leo, his sais slicing through the air a few times. To my surprise, it seems like he's actually aiming for Leo's body as if that were a regular thing in their training. Which slightly perplexes me. Do they always train this intensely?

Their weapons lock together, struggling against each other for control. Raph tightens his grip on his sai before thrusting one of Leo's swords to the side and tackling him to the ground. He starts throwing punch after punch, to which Leo lets go of his other sword and is using his arms to shield himself against. Leo brings his foot up to Raph's side and pushes him off of him. They both rise up simultaneously, and Leo grabs Raph's shoulders, kneeing him in the stomach a good couple times before finally taking him to the floor, rising up victoriously right after.

"Looks like Leo wins this time," Donnie announces.

I look to Raph as he's still on the ground. Apparently whenever it's all four of them against each other, Raph and Leo alternate between wins. And Raph isn't the best at losing, according to Mikey. Leo walks up to Raph, offering his hand with an affable expression.

Raph huffs petulantly before sitting up and begrudgingly allowing Leo to help him up. They all routinely line themselves up and genuflect before Splinter. I can tell it's an action they must have repeated over and over again in their lives. The line and their bodies are almost perfectly identical in their bow before their master.

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