He Plays w Your Hair/Getting to Know Each Other

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"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

I tiredly groan in response to Leo as I walk into the alley where I always meet him, dragging my backpack behind me. I'm so worn down from school and f/a and I feel, and probably look like I was hit by a bus.

Leo grins. "It's 11 PM. Late practice?"

"Seven hours without food or sleep, it should be illegaaal."

He laughs again and takes my bag for me. "Hop on. I already heated up your dinner."

I smile and close my eyes after he hoists me up on his shell. "Thanks, Leo..."

Once we get into my place Leo lets me down and I plop myself on the couch, becoming dead to the world. I started drifting off to sleep and faintly heard Leo knocking around in the kitchen.

That is, until I smelled...


"Mhm. The only thing that's ever in your refrigerator."

I lightly kick Leo as he passes by, hearing him snicker and set the plate in front of me. "Ya gonna eat?"

"Mmm... NoI'mtootired." I snuggle up to the couch more and hug one of the pillows. A whole other form of exhaustion overtaking me, the only kind that could overpower my love for food.

Second POV

You were too tired to notice Leo chuckle in response to your curling up, and watch you admiringly. He gently picks your head up, sits down on the couch, and lays your head back down on his lap. You smile in your half-sleep and get comfortable against him. Leo gently strokes your hair, looking at your calm features. How peaceful your face looks and how gentle your breathing is. He smiles to himself and starts playing with your hair. He twirls your hair/color/length  strands between his fingers. It felt pretty relaxing.

He simply entertained himself with the feel of your soft hair against his fingers and tried to soothe you after the long day you had.

A few minutes later you're forced to wake up from the grumbling hunger of your stomach, and can still feel Leo gently tugging at your hair as he does it.

"Decided to eat after all?" He finishes up as you come back to life.

"The pizza's calling me and my stomach will eat me from inside out if I don't answer." You sit up slowly and groan,  smoothing back your hair. Feeling the smooth bumps, you realize it was braided.

"Like it?" Leo asks with a smile, and you quickly grab your phone to look at your braid(s).

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