Movie Night

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This chapter is a bit less uneventful and a lot shorter. Sorry for not updating lately, been busy with this musical showcase I got into 😆. However I am working on these, they're just going slower than usual. With that being said, enjoy 😊}}


It's Sunday night, about 24 hours since I've temporarily moved in with the guys because of the Purple Dragons. And I'm already starting to see the differences between staying here and having my own place. First one: the process of picking out a movie. Mikey had proposed a movie night, and now they're trying to find one we all can watch. Key word: trying

"How about Bambi–" 


"Little Mermaid?"

"Not happening."

Mikey huffs and sticks his tongue out at Raph.

"I found more DVD's of that show I showed you guys before." Donnie grinned. "We could always watch more of Bill Nye's fun and educational–"


"Raph, you can't just say no to all of 'em–"


"Raph," Leo says. His red banded brother looks at him from behind his magazine, unbothered. "How about we Y/n decide?"

"Oh, no it's ok. I don't really care which movie." I shake my head.

He lowers his voice. "But if you pick it'll save 20 minutes of them fighting over it."

"So why don't you pick?"

"Because nobody wants their brain rotting because of Space Heroes again." Raph answers.

I grin at his response but try not to laugh for Leo's sake as he glares at his brother. "If you say so... Uh... How about Jurassic Park? I think it's got something for everyone."

There's a short pause, but everyone nods in agreement, so I put the movie in and take my place back next to Leo on the couch. I pull a blanket up over my shoulders as I watch.

I've always loved the movie for the action and great actors. Mikey was the same way, getting pumped and really into it any time an action scene came. And he loved all the special effects with the dinosaurs.

Donnie was interested in the scientific components of course, and the cleverness put into the explanations to justify the movie. Which was good since there's like an hour of it before any action happens. He insisted on listening to the scientists' dialogue when Raph suggested skipping past all the boring parts. So of course Don was theorizing out loud and making remarks throughout.

Raph loves the blood.


Okay well not just the blood. Pretty much whenever someone was attacked and killed or terrorized. Not in the sick kind of way, but needless to say he was impressed with those effects too.

And Leo enjoyed how the leader that the main character became leader for the kids, taking charge of their safety; becoming someone for the kids to look up to. And he was glad that... mostly everyone got out alive.

Throughout the movie I couldn't help but glance at him subtly every couple minutes. I don't know. Sometimes his reactions were the cutest thing. Like when he would smile whenever the cute little kids say something funny and clever. Or the way his eyes look so engaged and focused during an action scene. I blush lightly when he laughs again, then grabs the other end of the blanket and proceeds to scoot a bit closer to me to get under it. His muscular arm brushes against mine and it took everything in me not to tense up.

"Ya know, it's impolite to stare."

And just like that my cheeks flare a crimson red. Leo smirks triumphantly before even looking at me.

"What? No, I-I wasn't– I mean, no... w-why, why would I... be...?"

He chuckles and eats some more popcorn as he looks back at the movie screen. "It sure looked like you were."

"No, I-I was just interested in... in the color of your mask! That's all... it's a pretty color."

"Mhm... so why's your face so red?"

"It's n-not... It's just, dark in here."

He chuckles again with a wider smirk, looking down at me again. "Alright. Whatever you say."

I roll my eyes, playfully elbowing him. He laughs softly and goes back to watching the movie. Hopefully the fast beating in my chest will go away soon enough. As well as the red on my face...

Like I said, I love the movie, but it's a pretty long one, and not too long after the third killing scene I start getting tired. I don't care much since I've already seen it. Plus I have school in the morning, so I decide I'll at least close my eyes for a few minutes and still get to finish the movie with them after I'm more awake. I shift a bit closer to Leo and rest my head on his shoulder as I pull the blanket back around my shoulders and close my eyes, too tired to care or worry about the interaction. Shortly, the sounds of the movie began fading away, until I unknowingly drifted off to sleep.

Second POV

Leo looks down at you when he feels you resting against his side. He smiles softly when you nuzzle him, and puts his arm around you so you're more comfortable, tucking you gently into his side and under his arm. You smile softly as you drift off to sleep.

Of course, you ended up sleeping through the rest of the movie instead of just a "few minutes".

Leo realizes you're still asleep after it ends, and picks you up gently in his arms to take you to your room, which earns him some light teasing from his brothers. He lays you in your bed carefully as not to wake you and pulls the covers over you. Looking back at your face, he admires how peaceful and calm you look. Leo smiles softly and gently smooths your hair back out of your face, fighting the urge to stare any longer and allowing his fingers to caress your skin before quietly, finally leaving you to your slumber.

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