Step by Step

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Leonardo yawned as he applied ointment lightly to Y/n's cuts, like he's done every other morning. It was always the first thing he did when he awoke.

Change her bandages, re-wet the rag for her forehead, check for new bleeding, and heat up the leftover soup she never ate before she woke up; every morning like clockwork. He had practically moved into the lab, hardly leaving that spot of Y/n's bedside. His normal daily routine took a seat. Training, meditating, breakfast, it all sat on the back burner now. Whatever she needed, that was his only priority.

He woke the earliest and went to sleep the latest. Although, sleep mostly came to him by force. He'd developed a bad habit of keeping himself awake until his body forced itself to shut down, and every moment in REM he felt the unconscious worry of time slipping by that she might wake and no one else would be awake to watch over her. Even when he let himself rest, he didn't rest easy.

Donnie however was getting the most sleep he had had in a while... Which, granted, still isn't saying much. But with Leo standing post 24 hours a day, and trying to balance giving them room yet still taking care of Y/n as he needed, he found himself going to sleep at an earlier time. Like, 11 PM early. He found himself surprised when he woke up around 8 AM every morning, well rested and energized. One morning he even skipped coffee! He'd really have to try this more often.

It especially helped during the busy day, as he prepared the daily medication for Y/n, monitored her symptoms and reactions and behaviors, and tried to organize so many notes; observations he had to get all down on paper for the future.

It was five days after that night they all rescued her. Nobody had stepped foot outside of the lair, except when April and Casey would so cautiously leave at night, ending their daily visits.

Splinter was still a ghost, only emerging when he couldn't go any longer without sustenance or could bring himself to offer brief assistance to his sons as they continued to watch over Y/n.

Most of the time her treatments could only be done when she was in deep sleep. And when Y/n was awake it was an impossible test of walking on egg shells and figuring out how most effectively to nurture her. They had done the healing mantra once more since that first time, and they found it was much too soon to try it on her again. The progress she made from last time was practically none by now and her body wasn't strong enough to take it. Otherwise, the patriarch was never seen.

So softly, Leo finished rubbing ointment on the last tender cut on her stomach and newly bandaged it. He looked up at her, and was glad to see she didn't seem to feel any of it in her sleep. She laid there, still as a rock. The only proof there was that she was even breathing was the incessant computer beeps of the monitor standing next to her bed, still with a cracked screen. Leo found himself wondering how long they would have to rely on it to tell.

He looked back down at Y/n and noticed her skin had felt cold, so he pulled her tank top back down and pulled the blankets back over her. She seemed out cold now, but he had a feeling she would wake soon so he left the lab to go and prepare Mikey's soup. He stood at the kitchen sink, washing his hands with half-lidded eyes.

You hadn't eaten for the past two days, and Leo was really starting to worry about how it will affect you in the long run. For the last two days he'd tried coaxing you to at last try a spoonful, without pushing you too hard, but you were hardly responsive to his attempts. The moment you did give in and nearly ate half a bowlful, but began sweating and shaking, he knew there was no point pressuring you further. It's not that you weren't hungry, because Leo could tell that you were. But the physical act of eating, and using your bruised and cut up jaw to chew strained and frustrated you. And even though your stomach was finally getting nourishment, you only felt sicker. Still, he and Donnie insisted on trying to give you small portions successfully at least once a day. Letting you get weaker was too dangerous.

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