Protective and Possessive

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I'm sitting with Leo on the couch as he watches Space Heroes. I'm not watching of course, but he's deeply immersed in the show, as usual. Casey is challenging Raph to a wrestling match on one of the game tables, Donnie and Mikey are watching them, and April is in the dojo t train with Splinter. I look up from my phone at Leo as he suddenly gets up and starts quoting Captain Ryan's line along with him– word for word. I raise my eyebrows and snicker and face palm.

"You're such a nerd."

Leo grins at me and plops back down, putting his arm around me. I blush and lean back against him. He continues watching the show and I entertain myself by holding and playing with his big green colored hand.

Leo keeps his eyes on the screen as he asks. "What are you doing?"

"Playing with your three-fingered hand," I answer casually, not looking at him either.


I snicker more as I hold it up. "It's bigger than my face."

He grins and lightly flicks my nose. I giggle. "You're acting sillier than usual today. And Mikey's already got that job covered."

I smirk a bit. "Maybe I'm bored. Your Captain Ryan impressions just aren't as entertaining as they used to be."

Leo's arm tightens around me and pulls me closer. He grins devilishly down at me, his voice low and thick. "Hey, if you want a good time, I can give you one."

"O-oh..." I say softly, my face heating up. I wasn't expecting to get that reaction out of him. Leo's hardly ever been that bold with me. I bite my lip. "U-um..." I stop when I notice the way he's looking at me. It was... very different. As if he was taking me in... or something... "What?"

His blue eyes stared at mine for a second before he shook his head and released me from his grip, turning back to the TV. "Nothing."

What was all that about?

I awkwardly lean back on the couch, looking in the direction of the TV too.

"Are you ok?" He asks me.

I look at him and nod at the weird question. He nods back and smiles. "Do you wanna go somewhere with me?" I ask, smiling back. But his disappears again.

"Where?" He asks.

"Topside. To a bookstore."

"Are you sure? It's getting to be pretty dark... It's dangerous out there."

I chuckle. "Leo, it's not even dusk yet."

This time both of his arms wrap themselves around my waist. "Are you sure you don't just wanna stay down here with me?"

I pout and wrap my arms around his neck, nuzzling his nose in hopes of making him budge. "That's why I wanted you to come too. I'm only getting one book, that's all." Leo still looks at me with an unsure look. A light sigh escapes my lips. "Come on, you promised you wouldn't keep me down here so much anymore."

This time he sighs, but then finally nods his approval. "Alright, alright. We'll go soon. After Space Heroes goes off."

I grin victoriously. "One book. I'll be in and out," I promise him again, patting his chest before realizing he was looking at me in that way again. I frown and tilt my head. "Are you ok, Leo?"

"Hey, Lame-o-Nardo," Raphael interrupts from his mini tournament. I cringe and frown when he calls him that name again. "Care to stop snuggling with the bride-to-be for a sec and indulge me in a game of arm wrestling?" He smirks and flexes his arms cockily.

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