° Chapter 2 °

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AFTER SCHOOL, Josh and I sat in the field while Betty, Caroline, Daphne, and Tori chatted behind us. I took a sip of my milkshake and tied my hair up in a messy bun.

"Zoey, you've been acting strange lately. Is everything okay?" Josh asked, sounding more concerned than usual.

I rolled my eyes. "Why do you say that?" I replied, raising an eyebrow.

"Because it's obvious. You're usually popular and influential, but lately, you've been a bit bossy."

"Me? Bossy?" I protested, trying to sound offended but failing. Who am I kidding? Seems like my reputation precedes me.

He motioned his hands a little further and stroked mine. The warmth of his hand came as a shock to mine, I looked up and met his eyes. A cold shiver ran through my spine, as my cheek turned red.

Josh and I had been friends since freshmen year in Brooke High, we started dating a year after. He appeared to be more than a boyfriend to me, more like family; he's the only person I think I'll ever love.

“Tell me, what's the problem?”

I groaned softly. “It's Gemma, she had been invisible and all of a sudden, everyone loves her, they now prefer her over me.”

“But, you're better than her in lot of ways. You're beautiful, talented, rich, and sophisticated. What makes you think Gemma is trying to steal your spotlight?” he interjected. I knew he didn't mean that. One thing I knew about Josh is that he doesn't compare or downgrade anyone, but he knows what to say to make you feel good.

I love him, forever!

“It's not that I don't like Gemma because she's popular now, or because people prefer her to me,” I lied. “It's just that I hate everything she represents.”

Josh gave me a solemn expression, I mistaken that for something else and wrapped my hands around him in a tight hug.

THE CAR PULLED UP in front of my parents' mansion, a sleek red convertible with tinted windows. The driver opened the door, and I handed him my backpack before heading inside, focused on my phone. I was texting Caroline and Betty about a party we planned to teach Gemma a lesson.

After this party, Gemma will surely quit school, and that would be the end of her fame.

Of course she should do that, I should be the only popular girl in Brooke high and no one else.

I don't think we should do that!

Caroline and Zoey-

I walked into the living room and headed to the kitchen, where Mrs. Becca was chopping vegetables. When she saw me, she smiled brightly and asked how school was. I ignored her and went straight to the refrigerator.

"I'm starving," I grumbled, grabbing a bottle of orange juice and a freshly baked cookie from the table. With a bite of the cookie, I turned to see Mrs. Becca staring at me.

"Don't just stand there," I snapped. "Don't you have something to do?"

She looked shocked but turned back to the vegetables she'd been chopping. I finished my snack and tossed the empty juice carton in the trash.

"Bring my lunch to my room, and don't be late!" I called over my shoulder as I headed out the door.

Back to my phone. I noticed Caroline had been trying to convince Betty not to take side with Gemma, so I pocketed my phone and turned to leave. But I bumped into Ashley, my older sister, who gave me a stern look and wagged her finger at me.

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