•Chapter 31•

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A cold rain had been falling for hours, and the clouds above were heavy with blackness, looking ready to burst apart at any second as they hung there threateningly in the darkened sky.

I sat in the farthest corner of a mini gourmet shop with my driver. While heading home from the mall, it started raining, so I decided we should stop at the nearest shop. It wasn't safe to drive in such conditions, especially when it was pouring out.

So there I was, sipping hot chocolate with a spoon stuck in the cup, trying not to shiver because of the cold, damp air of the tiny room filled with coffee tables and small couches covered with blankets and quilts.

Mr. Tommy sat opposite me, sipping out of his mug slowly like he didn't want it to finish. He sat there with a huge smile plastered on his face, trying to warm up his freezing fingertips through the mug he held in both hands.

I took notice of his outfit and regretted my decision to bring him along. His oversized gray sweatshirt obviously hid his bony shoulders, along with an old, tattered pair of jeans which didn't quite match the shirt. It wasn't what you'd expect from a driver, but since he never left the driver's seat, I never had to deal with people seeing someone with such a fashion sense with me—until today.

I checked my Instagram for interesting posts that might spice up the chilly vibes. I took a slice of pizza on the table as I scrolled through different posts, mostly about ladies displaying their latest outfits. Some were videos about the weather, others about their love life, or just how they got dressed today.

The waitress brought more of my orders to the table, and my eyes fixed on the assortment of food before me. A nice sandwich, some soup with chicken and beef, and two slices of pepperoni pizza.

Mr. Tommy told me he had to take a bathroom break. As soon as he left, I placed my phone on the table and grabbed the spoon, ready to dig into the hot soup.

"Can I join you, miss?" a shaky voice asked. I looked up to see a man dressed in a grey hoodie and black baggy pants standing next to me. His head was covered with the hoodie's hood, and he wore a face mask that covered part of his face, leaving only his eyes visible. His eyes were bloodshot, with a deep red color, as if he had drunk a few too many cups of alcohol before walking into the shop.

His clothes were partially soaked. I gestured with a nod, indicating that he could join me, but he didn't hesitate to sit down opposite me and grab a slice of pizza, before reaching out to remove his face mask. I could see more of his face now; apart from the fact that he was old, he had a resemblance to a Mexican guy.

His face seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place where I knew it from. However, my gut feeling told me something was off. He rushed through the food, finishing quickly before I could gather my thoughts. He wiped his mouth and hands before continuing to eat the rest of the food brought to my table by the waitress. He ate as if he hadn't eaten in weeks, or even months, and he couldn't slow down.

When he finally stopped eating, he stared at me with an indescribable expression as he spoke. "Miss, you're the nicest person I've ever come across. Allowing me to eat this much food, how can I ever thank you enough?"

He paused briefly, then let out a hearty laugh. "I was starving; I haven't eaten anything for days, maybe longer until now, if I'm honest. But thank you. You have no idea how thankful I am right now."

I gulped, feeling sympathetic. "Oh, um... don't mention it." The poor man was clearly starving, and I felt grateful that I could show some kindness to him.

He wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead and drank from the orange juice on the table. As he lowered his gaze, I noticed scars on his face. "I've made terrible choices in my life, ones that I can't forgive myself for. But, I know if I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't feel this way right now." His voice shook slightly, and tears formed in his eyes.

I didn't know exactly what to say; I was speechless as I watched him relax back against the couch.

"My life is a mess; sometimes, I wish I was never born. The pain within me wouldn't have existed," he continued.

"You don't have to say that; everyone makes mistakes in life. But what we do after that matters," I mumbled.

He laughed. "You're a brilliant lady; you remind me of my wife. She was my world, my..." He paused, tears filling his eyes as he slowly shook his head. "Thank you, young lady, for your kindness. Stay safe."

He stood up to leave as one of the waitresses turned on the TV. My attention was suddenly drawn to it, and the sound coming from the TV was audible. The first thing that appeared on the screen was the headline news, clearly displaying the man in front of me alongside Liam's picture.

My jaw dropped, my heart skipped a beat, and I gasped. I turned towards the seat that was occupied by the old man, but he was no longer there.

"Oh my god!" I exclaimed. I ran out of the shop; the rain had turned into a drizzle as I looked around desperately, hoping to see him. If I could get information about Liam's whereabouts from him... but he was nowhere to be found. I turned around and walked back towards the shop, where I met Mr. Tommy by the door.

"Miss Hughes, is there a problem?" he asked.

I shook my head in bewilderment. "No... nothing. Let's head home."

My mind kept drifting back to the scene. How I couldn't recognize Liam's father, even when he sat in front of me. How his eyes showed nothing but regret and guilt. Maybe he had escaped from prison to beg for his son's forgiveness. I shook my head violently, pushing these thoughts away.

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Falling Away #Watty 2024Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz