•Chapter 38•

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"Hey, guys?" Mackenzie said as she plopped down on the seat next to me. "Since when did you two become so close?"

I scoffed. "We aren't as close as you think. Just happened to be in the same spot for some time."

Dylan shot a quick glance my way, and I looked away, then turned to Mackenzie. She pulled out her phone, scrolling through some messages before looking up at me again.

"Zoey, I'd like you to attend my cousin's party. Just want to know if you'll come," she said, her voice filled with excitement.

"I'm not sure she'll go. She was just about to criticize your cousin without getting to know her," Dylan mouthed to her.

"I didn't know she was your cousin. She seems cool," I said, giving Dylan a thin-lipped smile. "Yes, I'd like to attend the party and get to know her."

"I thought it would be hard to convince you. Glad you're coming," Mackenzie said, smiling and leaning close to me with excitement before she whispered, "We should go shopping this evening for the party."

"That's a great idea!"

I took another sip from the smoothie cup, my phone buzzed in my pocket, and I brought it out to check for new messages. I had four from Gemma.

Gemma: How's the resolution thing going?

Zoey: First day at school can be strenuous. Managed to make a few friends.

Gemma: How's Mackenzie? Is she nice?

Zoey: She's cool and super friendly. Her cousin is hosting a party, and I've been invited. My resolution isn't going as planned, but I'm not ready to give up on it yet.

I returned my phone to my pocket and focused on Mackenzie and Dylan as they were busy discussing the previous party Ximena held. I listened intently to their conversation, but the way they described the party made it seem less fun than what I'd heard.

"What's popping?" Layla said as she plodded into the seat next to Dylan. "I've gone through my checklist for the party. I'm so over the moon for this one."

Their laudatory discussion made my stomach churn. I rolled my eyes and turned to the only thing that wasn't blaring about some party. Unfortunately, my phone lit up with an alarming message.

Ximena Torres party tonight, don't forget to bring your boos and babes. Ximena will be sharing her basketball success story with everyone tonight; she promised to shower us with love as we watch her perform live

My phone slipped from my hand, landing on the concrete floor with an alarming sound. Layla was the first to notice the disgust on my face, and she narrowed her eyes at me.

"Are you okay?" Layla's thin lips, covered with red lipstick, parted in a feverish smile.

"I'm okay, just got wrapped up," I replied, reaching to the ground to grab my phone but instead grabbing someone's hand. I looked up to see it was Dylan's, quickly withdrawing my hand, my cheeks flaring up with embarrassment.

He smirked and placed the phone gently on the table, his eyes briefly flickering to the incoming message on the screen before turning to Mackenzie.

I rubbed my hand across the surface of the phone to check for damage. Sighing, I returned it to the table.

"You play basketball?" Layla asked, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Yes," I mumbled, recalling my attempt at friendliness with her earlier.

"That's cool. Ximena told me about you. She said you joined their team."

I rolled my eyes. "Yes, I did. I'm used to playing basketball and studying."

"I love that you love the game. I used to play soccer in high school, but I got into an accident, and my parents forbid me from ever playing again. Now I just don't care anymore," Layla said with a smile.

I returned her smile with a thin-lipped one. "That's something I never want to experience."

"Let's grab a cup of smoothie together if you don't mind," Layla suggested.

Glancing at my empty smoothie cup, I nodded. "Okay." We both stood up and made our way to the counter.

"Sorry about my initial reaction to your friendly gesture. I'm not used to people interrupting me," Layla said as she collected two cups of smoothie from the waitress.

"You don't need to apologize," I replied. "I didn't take it personally. I'm used to people not liking me."

She laughed. "I was a popular mean queen in high school, but I changed once I got to college and became friends with these guys." She gestured toward Mackenzie and Dylan.

My eyes drifted to Dylan, who was sitting next to Mackenzie, explaining something to her. We walked back to the table, and I sat opposite them, placing the cup gently on the table.

Mackenzie's phone started ringing loudly. She stood up quickly, grabbed her bag, and turned to face us. "I'll meet you guys later. My boyfriend wants us to have some alone time." With that, she rushed off.

"I wish I had a boyfriend like hers. He seems so perfect," Layla muttered, taking a sip of her smoothie.

I scoffed inwardly at her words, knowing no guy is perfect. I glanced up and caught Dylan's eyes. He smirked, and I felt irritation bubbling up at his strange behavior, but I pushed it aside, pretending not to care.

Dylan rubbed his palm on his neck tiredly, then wrapped his hand around his chest, staring at me for a moment. "We should head home," he said, standing up.

I grabbed my bag and phone from the table as we walked in the direction of Dylan's red convertible. Taking a second look around, I admired the sunset and the bustling campus life, students rushing to evening classes or forming small groups on the grass.

As I was about to enter the car, I caught a glimpse of a guy with golden brown locks walking across the driveway. He was heading toward his car. There was something about him that made me feel like I knew him from somewhere, a sense of familiarity that sent a shiver down my spine. He had a resemblance to someone I dreaded to see, someone I longed to forget.

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With love.
Clara Joel

Falling Away #Watty 2024Where stories live. Discover now