•Chapter 22•

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"Yes," he nodded slightly, taking a bite of the chicken noodles casserole. I waited for him to elaborate further. "An app that helps you cope with difficult times in your life."

"If you didn't use those words, maybe I would've understood better," I replied, considering his idea. "Like an AI therapy."

"Yeah," he mumbled with a mouthful of food. "We need a quiet place to discuss this further."

I raised an eyebrow. "Where are you suggesting?"

He shrugged. "How about an empty classroom after school?"

Shaking my head, I explained, "My mom will get worried if I don't return home on time. How about my house on Saturday? We have a garden where we can sit and discuss it."

"Okay, Saturday at 3 p.m.," he agreed with a wink.

"I HAD THE WORST DAY EVER!" Gemma complained as we walked toward the car. "Tony doesn't care about the project; all he talks about is soccer, like it's going to get us an A."

I sighed. "You have to make him see the reason why you both have to work together." The driver opened the car door for me, and Gemma plopped down beside me.

"That guy is like a train in motion; he won't listen to me," she grunted. "I need this grade for my acceptance into NYU."

"Don't think about it too much. You can try your best and work on the project alone. That will make it quicker," I suggested, offering her a bright smile.

She let out a relaxing sigh. "Have you figured out the college you want to apply to?"

"I haven't. Never thought about it," I admitted.

Gemma lifted her eyebrows. "You need to do that as soon as possible. I heard some colleges are already giving admissions."

That night, I sat next to my laptop pondering my college decision. After researching various options, I found one I liked: Columbia University.

With heavy eyes, I realized I'd been up until midnight. My eyelids felt like weights as I plodded toward my bed, falling face-first onto it before drifting off to sleep.
THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL, I was eager to discuss the project further with Liam, but finding an empty seat made me realize he hadn't shown up.

Doodling on my notebook, I looked up to see someone gently sitting in the vacant seat. I expected it to be Liam, ready to scold him for being late, but instead, it was Josh. He gave me a pitying look.

"I almost thought you didn't exist anymore," I joked, trying to hide my disappointment.

"Your partner didn't come today, so I thought I'd fill in for him," he chuckled, tapping his finger on the table.

"Well, Angelina doesn't like an empty seat either, so stop being a jerk and go sit with your partner," I retorted.

He laughed, bringing back memories. "I was hoping for a partner like you, but I guess your arch-enemy got it instead."

I coughed. "So what's your point?"

He looked confused as I grinned widely at him. "Enjoy your loneliness; my partner is waiting for me," he said, getting up and walking over to Angelina.

"I think we should check up on Liam after school," Gemma suggested as we walked toward the library.

"Why would I do that? We're not friends; the only reason I'm talking to him is because of the project," I replied, feeling defensive.

"Yes, because of the project. I'm not implying we check up on him because of friendship."

"I have other things to do after school. I have basketball practice, dance rehearsal, and oh, shopping with my mom for the baby."

Her jaw dropped. "That bundle of cuteness! Can I come along? I haven't seen him since he was born."

I rolled my eyes as we stopped at the library entrance. "I haven't seen him either, only heard him cry sometimes."

Her expression softened. "Why? He's your baby brother."

"I know, but I said so many things about him out of anger. I feel so bad that I can't look at him; I feel like I don't deserve to be his sister," I admitted, feeling guilty.

She comforted me with a pat on the shoulder. "People say things when they're angry and regret them afterward. Are you going to keep avoiding him forever?"

"I guess so. My guilt will probably eat me alive before then," I replied sadly.

Her face brightened. "How about you go see him today? Hold him, give him a little peck on his soft cheeks, and tell him how much you love him. Good conquers bad. So, if you say good words to him, it will erase the bad ones."

We hugged tightly, and I realized Gemma was right. I had to let go of my guilt and finally see my baby brother.

"Uh, Gemma," I started, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. She looked at me expectantly.

"I lied about going shopping with my mom for the baby," I confessed.

Her jaw dropped. "Why did you lie?"

"Because I didn't want you to keep pressuring me about going to Liam's place," I explained.

She sighed. "You must really hate that guy."

"I don't hate him; I just don't like him."

She rolled her eyes. "It's the same thing."

THAT EVENING, BEFORE dinner, I summoned the courage to visit my baby brother. I knocked lightly on the door and cautiously pushed it open. Mom was sitting on the bed, dressing Tristan in his socks. She smiled warmly when she saw me approach.

"Look who finally came to see you, Tristan," she said, nodding toward me.

"Is that his name?" I asked softly as I took a seat beside her. Tristan was even cuter than I had imagined, a happy baby with a smile that melted my heart. He gripped the collar of his shirt in his mouth, gurgling happily.

"Aww, he's so adorable," I murmured as I reached out to touch his tiny hand. Tristan's topaz blue eyes captivated me, and I gently placed a finger in his palm, watching as he instinctively brought it to his mouth. "No, don't eat your sister's finger. It's not food," I teased, withdrawing my finger from his mouth.

"He's always curious," Mom chuckled, adjusting Tristan in her arms. "How about you hold him?"

Mom carefully placed him in my lap, and I cradled him against my chest in a tender hug. "You look more like Mom," I commented, smiling down at him.

Mom laughed softly. "He's a lucky baby to have such a wonderful sister."

I chuckled and planted a kiss on Tristan's forehead. Gemma was right; spending time with him eased the weight of guilt I had been carrying all day. As I played, cuddled, and watched Tristan peacefully drift off to sleep, I felt a sense of peace wash over me.

I love this little cuteness, I never want to let him off my sight. Ever, again.

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