°Chapter 6°

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"You won't believe what I saw!" Caroline practically exclaimed as we stood in line for lunch.

"What?" I asked, curious.

"Josh asked Gemma out. I overheard them on my way to chemistry class," Caroline said, her voice tinged with disbelief.

Heat surged through my body, and tears threatened to spill from my eyes. Josh had chosen Gemma over me. How could he betray me like this?

"I thought Josh was in love with you, Zoey. I thought he cared about you. But it seems I was wrong," Caroline sighed, shaking her head. "That party wasn't a good idea after all."

I ate my lunch in silence, seething with anger. I wanted to lash out at Gemma, to scream at Josh, but I knew I had bigger things to focus on. The national championship was fast approaching, and I couldn't afford to let this distraction affect my performance.

"What are you going to do?" Caroline asked, her expression sympathetic. "Don't you want to try to win Josh back?"

"I do, Caroline, but right now, my priority is the championship. I can't afford to let anything distract me, especially not those lovebirds," I replied, placing a hand on my forehead. "I need to win this game."

She rolled her eyes. "This isn't something you should be bothering yourself about. You always win anyway."

I gave her a bright smile and tied my hair in a ponytail. "I have to practice. See you later."

Caroline couldn't believe I was taking the upcoming championship seriously, and honestly, neither could I. I spent the rest of the afternoon playing basketball. Mrs. Lanai led the practice, introducing us to new moves. I was feeling particularly enthusiastic about the game and didn't even notice when Trina was absent. Mrs. Lanai called out for her, but she wasn't around.

"What's going on? Where's Trina?" Mrs. Lanai furrowed her brow. "This is unlike her."

I lowered my head and sat on the bleachers, taking a sip of water from my plastic bottle. Glancing over at Mrs. Lanai and the others as they tried to contact Trina, I asked for permission to leave and made my way toward the hallway. On my way, I came across Gemma.

"You, witch!" I stood opposite her, glaring like a ravenous lion ready to devour its prey. "You've gone too far this time, and I won't let you snatch what's mine."

"I don't get you," Gemma gave me an innocent look.

"Let me set things straight for you," I seethed with indignation. "I don't want you anywhere near Josh, you're the reason he left me. Do you think you're better than me?"

"Josh broke up with you. How is that my fault? Leave me alone, I don't have time to discuss this with you," Gemma retorted, a smirk playing on her lips. "I have better things to do."

I glared at her, my anger boiling over. With no one around to debate who started the fight, I knew I had to act. I ran toward her and nudged her, causing her to stumble but not fall.

"What's wrong with you?" she demanded loudly.

"Stay away from Josh, or I'll..."

"You'll what, Zoey?" Josh's voice interrupted as he suddenly came between us, defending Gemma. "You and I are not together anymore. Zoey, I don't think I have to repeat myself."

Staring at him with teary eyes, I turned and stomped off toward the locker room, pushing the wide door open. I grabbed my bag from my locker and made my way out toward the car.

AFTER DINNER, MOM came up to my room while I was changing into my pajamas. I could tell from her appearance that she was in mom mode and about to start with her lecturing personality.

Falling Away #Watty 2024Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon