•Chapter 34•

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I plugged in my headphones and selected the first song on my playlist, which happened to be my most played: "Slower" by Tate McRae.

The cab pulled up in front of a grand house with white picket fences and tall, leafy trees adorning the yard. Stepping out of the car, I ascended the three steps leading to the imposing mahogany door. It had been painted a warm brown color and was adorned with two gold stars flanking the door knocker, while a small golden eagle perched on its tip.

I rapped lightly on the door, and a girl with long brown curls swung it open, her face lit up with a vibrant smile. "You must be... Zoey, right?" she asked, her finger tapping thoughtfully on her chin. I nodded, and she extended her hand for a handshake. "It's great to finally meet you!" Her smile widened.

"Likewise," I muttered as she helped me with my luggage.

"I share this place with a few others; it's a gift from my parents as a reward for getting into college," she explained as we climbed the stairs together. "I've always wanted something bigger, but I'm sure you'll love it here."

She unlocked a door with a design similar to the exterior one, albeit green instead of brown. Pushing it open, I followed her into the room, my eyes widening at the sight before me.

The room exuded luxury in every corner. Expensive black leather couches and a massive television screen dominated the space, along with a giant glass closet displaying an array of colorful hangers. Bookshelves lined the walls, overflowing with books. My gaze was drawn to a large bookcase near the far wall, piled high with novels and volumes.

"Wow, so many books," I murmured, almost in awe.

"I didn't know what your preference was, but your sis mentioned you're a book lover, so I decided to get creative," she explained with a smile.

I bit my lower lip and rolled my eyes at the thought of Ashley. "I'm more of a fashion queen," I mumbled. "But thanks, I love this."

"I'm glad. I'll leave you to freshen up," she said before exiting the room.

I sighed, kicking off my shoes and carefully placing them next to the shoe rack near the door. I removed my headphones from around my neck and set them on the glass table.

Taking a seat on the king-sized bed, I retrieved my phone to check for messages. There were five from Gemma and two from Ashley. Flopping onto the bed like a tired soul, I scrolled through them.

Have you gotten to New York?

I'm taking a stroll around the local park, I miss our usual gist and talks.

Gist me about your new environment.

Well for me, I think this is an opportunity for you to find someone better.

Sigh, I wish you're online. It's kinda boring here.

Hey, have you gotten to New York? Mackenzie is a very nice person, you're going to like her.

A knock on the door interrupted my phone-scrolling session, prompting me to drop my phone onto the bed and hurry to answer it. Two words stumbled out of my mouth as I stared at the tall, handsome figure standing before me. "Hey, hi."

His skin had an olive tone, and his hair was neatly styled into a side cut. His features were sharp and angular, with a strong jawline and bright blue eyes that sparkled like diamonds.

A grin spread across his lips as his gaze met mine. "You're the new girl, right?" His voice sent a shiver down my spine as I struggled to form a coherent response.

"Ye... Yeah," I stammered, feeling the heat creeping up my cheeks, and then a sudden realization hit me—my resolution to be more confident.

"That's cool. Welcome aboard, to New York specifically," he said with a smirk, running a hand through his black hair. "I'm Dylan, and if I'm not mistaken, you're Zoey."

"Yes, nice to meet you, Dylan," I managed to mutter as I watched him walk away.

Dylan must have been sent from heaven to look that handsome.

As I descended the stairs, I heard a tiny voice roaring, "Nobody, absolutely nobody! Kate is a boss, I wonder why her GPA wins the game."

Reaching the bottom of the staircase, I continued past an archway leading to a small booth where Dylan, Mackenzie, and another girl were sitting, surrounded by books strewn across the table. Mackenzie had her long curls neatly tied into pigtails, while the other girl had hair similar to mine, though hers had streaks of black mixed in.

Dylan was leaning close to Mackenzie, his hand and attention focused on the textbook open to almost the center page. When he looked up at me, a sweet smile escaped his lips, his eyes fluttering in that charming way again. I quickly averted my gaze and walked closer to join them, taking a seat next to the girl who had stopped talking and was staring at me as if I was bald.

"Hey," I said, attempting to break the slightly awkward atmosphere.

"Is she the new girl?" the girl asked Mackenzie.

Mackenzie nodded slightly. "Her name is Zoey. Zoey, meet Layla."

I turned to give Layla a friendly gesture, but she flinched away. "I don't do friendship or greetings. Keep your whatever to yourself," she said, rolling her eyes.

"Don't take offense from her words, she's always like that," Mackenzie explained with a smile. "We're all friends here."

"Thanks," I muttered, leaning closer to the book in front of me. "So, what are you reading anyway?" I asked Layla without looking back up.

"Mass com," she answered with a hint of pride. "I'm in my second year."

"That's awesome!" I replied, genuinely impressed by her choice. It felt good to be in college, even if it was a little early for me.

"What about you?" Layla asked.

"Human anatomy," I said, glancing up at her with a bright smile.

"Cool," Layla mumbled, and I couldn't quite tell if it was sarcastic or genuine. She returned my smile and exchanged eye contact with Dylan. "He studies the same course as you."

I redirected my attention to Dylan, who had a serious yet charming smile on his face. "That's so cool. I might be able to tutor you if you don't mind," he offered, his hair falling across his face as he shook his head. I had an urge to reach forward and push it behind his ear. A blush crept over his cheeks and nose.

"No, thanks, I'll be fine," I replied with a brief smile.

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With love

Falling Away #Watty 2024Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu