•Chapter 7•

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"Zoey Hughes, an epic failure. Or should we say, an epic fall. Just yesterday, everyone was singing Zoey's praises, celebrating her fame and success. Until she left us all in the dust with a fall of shame," the man on TV announced, his words cutting through me as I descended the stairs with the aid of crutches.

To my dismay, Mom, Dad, Mrs. Becca, and Ashley were all seated on the couch, fixated on the TV screen. Initially, I thought they were engrossed in a TV show, but as I approached, I realized it was something far more personal.

I marched toward the remote on the table, intending to change the channel to something unrelated to my recent mishap. However, what I saw and heard on the screen pierced my heart like a dagger, shattering what remained of my already fragile emotions.

"Luckily for the Brookers, they've found a new star," the reporter continued, his words a painful reminder of my own shortcomings. "Trina Walter, one of the team's standout players, managed to secure victory for her team and claim the national championship cup. It's a classic case of one fall and a hero rises. The town is abuzz with..."

Before the reporter could finish, I switched off the TV, collapsing onto one of the couches with a mixture of anguish and frustration. As I reflected on the harsh words I had directed at Trina, I couldn't help but feel a sense of bitter irony at the universe's cruel twist of fate.

Mom turned her gaze towards me, her expression twisted in anger as she narrowed her eyes. "How disrespectful of you, Zoey. What's the meaning of all this? You just walk in here and turn off the TV while we're still watching it. Can't you behave like a decent human being for once in your life?"

I raised my hands in frustration. "Oh, forgive me for not celebrating my own downfall. I'm glad my parents found such an entertaining way to start their day—watching their daughter's epic failure."

"Leave her alone. You don't know what she's going through right now. Zoey loves basketball," Dad interjected, coming to my defense.

"Are you condoning her behavior now? Is this how we raise our children, Mr. Hughes?" Mom shot back, her tone laced with indignation.

"Watch your words, dear. You're acting like you care about her well-being now. If she's picked up any bad habits, she probably learned them from you," Dad retorted, his voice firm.

"Mom! Dad! Please, enough!" Ashley cried out, her voice echoing through the room as I buried my face in my hands.

Mom stormed off to her room, leaving behind a tense atmosphere. Meanwhile, I found solace in typing furiously on my cellphone, trying to escape the chaos unfolding around me.

Hey baby girl, how are you doing at the moment?

Not so good, the doctor said I can't play basketball ever again. Cause I have a dislocation.

Omg. This is so bad. I heard Trina is now replacing you as team leader, Ms. Lanai swears to never let you play for her team again.

No one can tell me what to do, I'll be alright in a few more days, and I'll resume my position as the best player.

Basketball Queen. I don't think that's gonna work.

Reading that I switched off my internet connection and lay flat on the couch. I'm so gonna ruin Trina for real this time and for Gemma, I have something in store for her.

THE NEXT DAY AT SCHOOL, I strode into the cafeteria, ignoring the whispers and giggles from a few groups of girls discussing the game. Heading towards my usual spot, I was taken aback to find Trina and some other girls occupying the table, chatting about her scoring.

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