•Chapter 28•

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"I know how it feels to watch your parents fight and argue, not caring about how it affects their kids mentally or if they're being bullied in school," I said softly, trying to offer some comfort. "It sure hurts, but you can't let the effects control your life. Live past those pains and let them go." His eyes turned to mine, pain lingering in them, almost bringing tears to my own.

I didn't know if my words were actually helping, but I had to say something, and that's what I did.

When he dropped me home that evening, he seemed much better. After I made him promise me he wouldn't take the drugs again and watched him throw them in the trash, he hugged me tightly, whispering 'thank you' over and over again.

GEMMA AND I WERE standing next to the presentation theater, which was decorated with blue streamers and balloons, and a big banner saying 'Presentation Day.' Mrs. Bennett was sitting across the stage with two other people.

I was wearing a white sleeveless top with blue skinny jeans, my hair braided back. Gemma was dressed casually in jeans and a light blue shirt, with no sweater. She wore some eyeliner and a bit of mascara too, which I thought looked great on her. Her lips were adorned with bright red lip gloss that complemented her pale skin. She looked gorgeous.

"I hope Tony doesn't ruin things for me," Gemma said, looking around anxiously for him.

I patted her shoulder reassuringly. "If he does, you'll be able to kick his ass," I teased, grinning.

She rolled her eyes at me playfully. "Just shut up and let me enjoy this moment, please."

"Alright, alright," I laughed.

Finally, Tony approached us, grinning widely and obviously excited about something, but also looking nervous until he spotted Gemma. He rushed towards her with a big smile on his face.

"Are you ready, partner?" he asked, winking at her and rubbing his palms together.

She gave him a bright smile. "Born ready." They both walked away to the other side, leaving me standing by the door waiting for Liam.

Betty approached me, her demeanor calm. "Hey, Zoey," she said sheepishly. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting mad at you. I knew you didn't do it. I acted that way because I didn't want Caroline to think I wasn't a supportive friend."

Her apology caught me off guard, but I appreciated her honesty. "Thanks, Betty. I understand," I replied, offering her a small smile.

I nodded my head appreciatively. "That's fine. I just wish Caroline would understand too."

"Caroline and I haven't been talking much lately. She's probably found new friends over there. Let's just forget about it," Betty assured quickly, glancing around to see if anyone was paying attention to us.


Mrs. Bennett called Betty and Daphne to the stage to give their reports. "Talk to you later," Betty said before she turned to her partner, and they both walked daintily to the stage.

Watching Betty and Daphne explain their project, I felt someone behind me and turned to see Liam standing next to me. He was in blue jeans, a blue polo shirt, and white Converse. He looked pretty hot, in my opinion. I tried very hard to ignore the butterflies forming inside my stomach but failed miserably.

"What the hell!" I shook the feeling off and focused on the present.

"Hey," he greeted me. "Are you ready?" He asked, looking toward the stage as Betty and Daphne wrapped up their presentation.

"Yes," he took my hand softly and whispered to me. "I love you."

Mrs. Bennett looked at her clipboard. "Next up we have Zoey Hughes and Liam Crawford," she announced.

Falling Away #Watty 2024Where stories live. Discover now