Chapter Five

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I woke up early that beautiful Sunday morning. "Are you sober?" I text Mike, who responds almost instantly. "I wasn't that drunk. But yes I'm sober." "Well that's good. Are you still planning on doing it today?" Of course, I can't wait." "What time." "I don't know how about after church?" "Ok text me before you leave." I get changed and put my phone in my pocket.
"Mornin Kathy." "Morning." Weird. She's talking to me. "Hey I should tell you this-" she looks up, surprised. "-Later I'm taking my uncle Mike and his girlfriend up to Great River Bluff-" "-He's proposing to her isn't he?" She interrupts. I nod and she smiles. She smiles. "I'm going to go to the barn. Is Jeff out there?" I stuffed a donut in my mouth and left.
"I heard you talking to Kate last night about Mike and Amy. I already groomed and fed Diesel and the others." Jeff said when I walked in the barn. "Sweet thanks. Man news travels fast in this town." I grab the last two buckets of feed and put them in their stalls for Annie and Prince. My pocket vibrates and it startles me for a second, until I realize it was my phone. "Church is almost over." The text says. "Are you texting during church?" I respond. "Yes." I laugh and put my phone away.
I quickly put a headstall on Diesel and lead him outside, not even bothering with a saddle. "I'm going to run up to Great River Bluff real quick!" I yell to Jeff across the barn, who gives me a thumbs up.
I throw myself up on to Diesel's back and squeeze my legs signaling for him to move. We gallop down the driveway and on to the trail that leads to our destination. It's a good 15 minute run for him, but he can do it.
After a bit of a fight, I get Diesel to go through the creek that runs through the trail. "We're here baby." I say rubbing his neck. I slide off and tie him to a nearby tree branch, while I go to check out the view. "It's so beautiful up here." I say to myself. Mike texts me again. "Just leaving church. We'll be there in a few minutes." "Wait until I text you to come we're not ready." I run back to the trees where Diesel is patiently waiting, and throw myself back on. I quick look around to make sure everything is perfect, then squeeze my legs and we're off.
We come speeding in to the yard and almost run over Kate, who is still in her pajamas. "They'll be here in a few minutes!" I yell to no one in particular. I bring Diesel in the barn and let him cool down a bit. I saddle up three horses, Avon, Juliet, and Romeo. Kate get dressed now!" I tell her halfway through saddling her horse. "Ok we're ready" I send to Mike. Kate comes running out of the house dressed and ready to go. "Here hold them real quick, I'm gonna run to the bathroom." I say handing her the reins to the three horses, hoping that she will tie them down.
When I come back I quickly throw the rest of Diesel's tack on and bring him out with the other horses, which Kate was still holding. "I kind of meant that I wanted you to tie them up." I told her. She shrugged. I saw a red hummer pull in to the driveway and Mike and Amy got out. "Shit they're here." I whisper to Kate. They walk over to us and give us hugs. I untie Juliet from the post and bring her over to Amy. "This is Juliet." I say, checking her cinch. "Hi Juliet." she pets the beautiful white horse. "Do you need a boost?" I ask. "Yes please." I put her on the horse and bring Romeo over to where Mike was standing. "This is Romeo." I check his cinch too and he gets on with ease and pats the black horses neck. I hand them each their reins and Kate and I get on out horses. I lead the way down the trail, followed by Amy, then Mike, and Kate taking up the back.
We walk for almost an hour until we get to Great River Bluff. "It's beautiful up here!" Amy exclaims. We ride near the edge and hop off the horses. I take them over to where I had Diesel tied up just a little bit ago. Kate takes Mikes phone and I take mine out. "Hey why don't you two stand right there and get a picture." she says pointing to a spot right in front of the edge. We each take a few pictures of them. Then I signaled to Mike to propose. The photographers start filming.
"Amy Lynn, I love you more than anyone could imagine-" he drops to his knee and pulls out a beautiful diamond ring. "-And I know we're two complete different people, but that's what makes us perfect together-" I could see tears form in both their eyes. "-I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me?"

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