Chapter 13:

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"Pass me the popcorn." I say over the sound of the TV and female giggles.
Kate had invited me and Alicia over for the night, and we all decided to watch The Interview together. I was laying on the basement carpet between Kate and Alicia.

"Holy shit it's already one in the morning!" Kate's girlfriend Cayla points out after the movie.
"So? This is late for you?" I ask, laughing.
"I just didn't think it was that late. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."
"Aww baby don't leave us!" Kate jokingly calls as Cayla leaves the room.

"Okay so now that our anchor is gone we can watch something scary." I say.
"How about Carrie?" Kate suggests.
"No, I don't like horror movies." Alicia says.
"Carrie isn't even scary. Try The Grudge, even the cover is scary." I laugh.
"I don't want to watch a horror movie." Alicia says again, unheard.
Kate goes on Netflix and looks for the movie while me and Alicia go upstairs to get soda and chips.
"Do we really have to watch that?" She asks once we get upstairs.
"If you don't want to you can go to bed or something." I grab a family-sized bag of Doritos and a Mountain Dew.
"But I don't want to go to bed."
"Then watch the movie." I say, walking down the stairs.

When I get back to our woman-cave, Kate had found the movie and was on her phone. I lay down next to her and Alicia reluctantly follows.
"Okay, play the movie." I say. Kate hits play and the movie starts.

Towards the end of the movie, I looked right to see Alicia curled up in fetal position, though still staring at the screen.
Then I look left, Kate looked bored with the horror that was presented in the film.
I quick check my phone and see I have a text from Braxton, "hey beautiful." I smile and blush a little. I respond with a "hey, what's up?" And put away my phone.

The movie ends around 2:30 am. We decide that was enough screen time for the night and resort to spreading out on the couch.
"Move your big ass over." I say to Kate.
"I don't have room to!" She quietly yelled.
I pushed her over as far as she would go and straightened my legs out.
"Three people on one couch isn't going to work. I hope you realize that." Alicia said.
"But you've got that whole side of the couch to yourself." I point out the fact that she was laying on the other side of the L-shaped sofa.
Kate's leg ended up right on top of me, making me really uncomfortable.
"Kate move your leg."
"I'm uncomfortable move your leg."
"Is it just because I'm lesbian and three years older than you?"
"No you're like a god damn heater. Move."
"Oh. Okay. Fine." She laughs and moves her leg.
I wake up Sunday morning and go right upstairs, where Cayla is making coffee.
"Morning dear." She greets me.
"Morning." I smile at her.
"Want some coffee?"
"No thanks, I don't drink coffee." The whole room stinks because of the hot liquid.
When I step in the bathroom I am overwhelmed by the smell of lilacs. Gross.

When I get back downstairs the girls had woken up and were on their phones.
"Your sister tried calling you while you were upstairs." Alicia hand me my phone. "Thanks." I take it and sit on the couch.
"What's up." I send to Jackie. Then I read my texts from Braxton.
"Come over around 1:00." Jackie says.
"Why?" "I want you to come over." I put my phone on the table and reach for the bag of Doritos we failed to finish last night.
"Already?" Alicia asks as I eat the chips. I give her a smile of no regrets.
I park in Jackie's driveway and go inside, not bothering to knock. "I'm here!" I announce.
Jackie comes from upstairs. I help myself to a can of Sprite. "What was so urgent that I had to rush out here?" "You're going to the clinic with me." She grabs my arm and drags me to her car.
We sit in silence.
"Are you scared?" I finally ask.
"A little." She answers.

"Would you like to know?" The doctor asked.
Jackie looked at me, hopeful I'd answer for her. "It's your decision." I say. She sighs.
"Yes." I can see her nervousness.
"It's a girl."

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