Chapter Eight

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Everyone ran outside and got in to formation as I get in to my position, I hear the others reporting to their Flight Sergeant, but mostly just Alpha flight considering that I was standing next to them. "Alpha flight report!" Yelled Sergeant Clark. "First element reports, three cadets present and accounted for Flight Sergeant!" First element leader Friston yelled, saluting. "Second element reports, three cadets present and accounted for Flight Sergeant!" Second element reported, Wolfgram saluting as well. "Third element reports, four cadets present and accounted for Flight Sergeant!" Compton yells, also saluting. "Thank you for the report." Sergeant Clark responded and they dropped their salutes.
"Squadron, report!" Yelled the First Sergeant. "Alpha flight reports twelve cadets present and accounted for first sergeant!" Yells Sergeant Clark, counting all his cadets, plus the guidon, and his flight staff. "Bravo flight reports, six cadets present and accounted for First Sergeant!" "Charlie flight reports, nine cadets present and accounted for, First sergeant!"
Next, me and the executive staff marched halfway across the formation and stopped in front of the First Sergeant. "First Sergeant, report!" I yelled. "The Anoka County Composite Squadron Cadet Corps reports, 28 cadets present and accounted for ma'am!" He yells. I finish the commands, and then lead the cadets in reciting the Cadet Oath. As soon as the formation is over, each flight stands at ease and have time to talk with their Flight Commander and Sergeant. I wander throughout the flights, and stop to talk to Charlie flight. "Hey Charlie flight, how about we see some drills?" I suggest.
I watch them perform in-place drills and even get to call some of them.
When flight time is over, there is a class on character development, and I go upstairs to my office. More like our office, the three of the executive staff share an office. I sit down at my desk which is nice and orderly, and full of photos of family, friends, and my horses. I look at the other two desks in the room, one slightly messy, and the other completely cluttered.
Later, there are no promotions to be done, and not many announcements to be made. "This weekend, there will be a cadet testing day, if you need to take any tests, do so and promote." Lt. Col. Ackerman says to the Squadron.
We go through another formation, then everyone heads home for the night. I stay longer than I need to just because I don't have anything else to do. "Hey CJ." Beau says walking up to me. "Hasn't your flight staff taught you Customs and Courtesies yet?" I ask. He looks severely confused. "How about tomorrow at trap, when we're not in the line, I teach you some stuff that you'll need to know." I suggest. "That'd be great, I'll see you at trap then. Do you want to carpool?" "I'll pick you up tomorrow around six?" "Alright I'll see you at school." He says and walks out to his car.
Everyone has left except a few adults and the executive staff.

I head home, only a block away. Both my parents are asleep already. As quiet as possible, I slip out of my uniform and in to my sweatpants, and crawl in to bed.
Wednesday morning my alarm didn't go off so I was frantically rushing around the house trying to get ready on time. "I've already missed the bus, I'm taking dads jeep." I say to my mom with a toothbrush in my mouth. Dad had already left for work, and he took his Chevy truck so I could have the jeep if I needed it. Well I did.
I hit the remote start button on the truck and waited for it to warm up while I packed my bag with books and paper.

I walked in to my science class much too early in the morning to be able to think. "Caitlin Jo take your seat." I smile sweetly, and turn around to talk to Vanessa. I wanted to yell "Class hasn't even started yet, you're pissing me off, and stop calling me that." But thankfully, I didn't. I check to make sure he wasn't within earshot, and I start talking to Vanessa. "I hate him with a passion." I whisper. "Once he deducted points from my test because I wrote 'to dark'." She says using air quotes "Too dark?" I ask. "I pressed slightly harder on my pencil so the writing was darker." "What-why would he do that?" "I still have it. Here." she pulls a paper out of her backpack and hands it to me. "That's like natural pencil writing!" I shake my head.

"Sit down now!" He yells as he walks back in to the room. The bell still hasn't rung yet. The class obeys, and just then the bell rings.

After class I stop at my locker to grab my history book.
Braxton sees me and comes to talk. "Hey CJ." His voice is deep and attractive. "Hey, what's up?" "You wanna walk to class together?" I shrug and close my locker. "So how've you been?" He asks, breaking an awkward silence. "Pretty great, actually. I scored an interview with the Air Force Academy." His eyes widen, "Really? I mean, I knew you were super smart and athletic, but isn't it next to impossible to get in?" I nod and go into my classroom, leaving him to go next door to his German class.

When school was over, I went outside to the truck and got in. And want a coincidence, Beau and Braxton were parked right next to me. It got hot since this morning. I reached up and pulled the latch, and folded to top down. Beau whistles, and I shake my head and start the truck. "Hey Beau you'd better stop, she's goin' to the Air Force Academy!" Braxton joked, looking at his friend. Beau looked surprised, "Really?" He asked. Braxton nodded and started his truck, while Beau got in the passenger seat. "I'll race ya down the highway!" Braxton yelled over the sound of his truck and my Jeep. I give him a thumbs up and shift in to drive.
We sit side by side at a stoplight for almost five minutes. When the light turns green, both of us hit the gas and take off. His truck jolts forward, while my jeep just sits and spins, creating a could of smoke. I finally leave the starting line and blow past them in no time. Maybe it was a mistake letting my hair down today.
Braxton signals me to pull in to a nearby parking lot. "I win!" I brag with a smile, getting out of my Jeep. "Well then we'll have a shoot-off tonight. You, me, Beau, after trap." He says as he's walking around the front of his truck. We look around at each other and nod. "Alright. I'm in." I say, extending my hand to shake with them. "I'll see you there then." He winks and gets back in his truck, and I get back in mine. They wait until I drive away to leave.

My mom gets home shortly after I do. "I got the mail for you." She says with a stern look. "Oh sorry, I forgot." "There's a letter for you." She hands me a white envelope with my name and address written across the front. It's from Colorado. "It must be my plane ticket." I tear it open. "Ahh!! I'm going to Colorado!" I scream.
I go to my room and grab my camouflage duffel bag, still full from the weekend. I throw everything in my closet to make room for the new stuff.
I grab my iPad and FaceTime my half sister Jackie, who is almost 18 years older than me, but is still a great sister.
"Hey what's up?" She answers. "Packing." "Ohhh for what?" She sounds intrigued. "I'm going to Colorado this weekend." "For what?" "I got an interview." "University of Colorado?" She asks. "Think more Colorado Springs." I smile. "No way, Air Force Academy?" I nod. "Oh my god seriously?!" Her jaw drops. "I'm only going for an interview, I don't want everyone to know yet. Just in case it doesn't go well."
"You're getting in. At least let me brag to my friends about you." "You want to tell them that your baby sister got in to a better school than you and is going to make more out of her life than you?" I laugh. She stops to think. "Yeah never mind."
I finish picking out my nicest clothes and fold them, ready to be packed. "Hey as long as I've got you, I want to show you something." "What is it?" I ask. "I'll show you but don't tell anyone, especially mom." I close my bedroom door and turn the volume on my iPad down. "Alright, show me." she turns the camera around to show her holding something. "Oh my god! Really?!"

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