Chapter 14:

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A/N: hey, I hope you enjoy my book so far. But I just wanted to let you guys know that the end of this chapter gets a little out of its PG13 rating ;)
Thanks guys!

"Run faster! C'mon you can do it!" I cheer on one of my cadets as he runs towards the finish line. "There ya go! See? Told ya you could do it!"
Next up for the mile-run section of the physical training test was Beau.
"What's my time limit?" He asks, stepping up to the starting line. "8 minutes, 6 seconds. Go when you're ready." I say.
I start the stopwatch on my clock as he bolts through the start. "Pace yourself!" I yell, hoping he heard me.

A few minutes later he made it to the finish, jogging slowly.
"Good job, 7 minutes, 58 seconds. Now take a drink." I toss him a water bottle.
"So Johnson, do you plan on joining?" I ask Beau. "Hell yes, this is the funnest thing I've done since trap." He casually laughs, but I can see the regret on his face as we both think back to that night at trap.
"So you think you can handle PT like that every day?" I ask Beau when we get in his truck. "Maybe. It depends I guess. Why?" "I'll let you join me in working out after school." "Oh sure why not. I don't see what you need to get in shape for though."
I smile and shake my head.
Wednesday morning I put on my favorite pair of jeans and a black Grunt Style t-shirt, and secure my hair into a bun.
The Jeep is almost out of gas so I drive faster, wanting to avoid having to buy more.
As I drive, I hear my phone vibrate. "Siri read me that text." I say to my phone. "Your text is from Mike Olinger. it says 'call me when you get the chance, I want to talk to you.'" Her irritating robotic Australian accent replies. I place my phone back in the cup holder and park at school.
"CJ!" Alicia's voice cuts through the crowd.
I look around for her but I can't find her.
"CJ!" She appears in front of me.
"Ali you're so short it's hard to find you." I joke. "Never mind that, I have to tell you something."
"You know Everett Sanders right?"
"I think so." The name sounds familiar.
"He asked me out!"
"Everett Sanders. Ask you out?" Now I know. Everett Sanders, the second hottest guy on the football team- right behind Tucker Mason.
"Didn't he also go on that trip to Washington DC a few years ago?" I point out.

It was sunny and hot in Washington that day. We had just taken a tour of the Washington monument. I was standing with Alicia and Brianna, and right next to Everett. He took my arm and led me away. We ended up in the bathroom together.
It was the best kiss I had ever had, and the most magic I've ever felt. It ended too soon, and we hadn't spoken since.
"Hey, are you even listening?" Alicia interrupted my thoughts.
"Yeah, sorry."
"Okay well, I'll see you after school." She turned to walk away, and went to class. I did so as well.

Every second left in the clock seemed to mock me. Why can't the end of the day just come faster?! I was sitting in my final hour English class waiting for the bell to ring.
I walked briskly to my locker and grabbed the rest of my books, threw them in my camouflage backpack, and slammed the door shut.
I then walked out to the Jeep, hoping no one would stop to talk. Unfortunately however, Brianna saw me and came over to me.
"Hey what are you doing this weekend?"
"Going to Winona. Why?" I responded.
"I'm having some friends over to go swimming." She said, rubbing in the fact that she has a pool and I don't.
"I wish I could come. Maybe next time?" I try to be nice.

I finally get away from everyone and get in the Jeep. My phone buzzes and I see it's a text from my uncle. "Don't forget to call me."
I call him as soon as I read the text.
"Hey, what's up?" Is how I greet him. "Hey, I want to talk to you when you come down here next. When will that be?" "Friday, what do you need?" "Find out Friday. How's it going?" "Great. How are you?" I try not to lie, but I can't help it. I could be better. "Good, so I'll see you Friday." "Alright I guess. See you Friday." It seemed like an urgent issue.
I put my phone in my backpack and look in my side mirror to fix my hair. Behind my reflection, I see Beau.
"What the hell Beau you scared me!" I say, turning to face him. "Hey do you think me and Braxton could get a ride tonight?" "Sure, I'll pick you up around six. Will Braxton be at your house?" "No, he doesn't have a ride either." "Okay then I'll leave early. Why are you both incapable of driving?" "His dad took his truck and I can't afford one that works." He shrugs. "It broke again?" He nods. That has become more of a daily occurrence. "Alright. Need a ride home too?" I ask. "Yeah, thanks."
He gets in my topless jeep and we head home.
"Yeah that's fine. Hey you wanna come to Winona with me this weekend?" I ask Kate over FaceTime. "That's a dumb question, I'll start packing." She laughs. "Okay I'll text you before I leave my house Friday. I gotta go." I hang up and put away my iPad.

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