Chapter Nine

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"Pull!" A little orange target flys out of the trap house. "Damn it." I say to myself. I turn to watch Mathew. He also misses. Alexa hits the target, and so does Ben, but Mitchell misses.
Twenty-five shots later, the first round of trap is over. "What'd you score?" Mathew (my ex boyfriend) asks. "Nineteen." I say, not even making eye contact. "Nice. You beat me." He turns away. "Guys lets start our next round right away!" Our coach John yells to the five of us. I take my shotgun off the rack and go to my place on the field.
Ben, the line leader, makes eye contact with all of us to ensure we're ready. "Pull!" He shatters it. "Pull!" Mitchell misses. I hit the target, and so does Alexa. Mathew missed again, which made me happy.
After that round, we put our guns on the rack and went to pick up all of our empty shells. Then, I go to find Beau and Braxton. "Hey how'd you do?" Beau asked me. "Nineteen then seventeen." His eyes widen, "Holy shit you're scary. I hit twelve and we're about to start our next round." "Step up your game. Remember, we're shooting after this too." I smile and sit on the bench behind their field.

When their last round is done, the five boys put the guns on the rack and also go pick up their empty shells.
"Well?" I look at Beau. he shakes his head, "Ten." I can't help but laughing. "Alright let's go." I turn to grab my gun. "Are you ready for the shootout?" Braxton runs to us. I motion for him to follow.
I clamp a big piece of cardboard to a metal stand. "Get me the sharpie. It's in my case." I tell Braxton. "Here." He comes back with it a minute later. I draw a little circle and fill it in, then surround it with a few more circles creating a target.
"Okay, you're my witnesses now, so you can't blame me if you suck." I spit in my hand and extend my arm. The boys do the same, and we shake hands. "Hoorah." Beau says. "Quit that. You're not a Marine." Braxton glares at him. "Well neither are you." "Knock it off." I stop them. "And by the way guys, the Marine Corps says Oorah. Hoorah is the Air Force." They both look slightly embarrassed. "I'm surprised you don't know that, with the fact that you both want to become Marines." I smile sweetly and walk towards where we will be shooting from, while they follow me.

"CJ you go first." Beau says. I nod and pick up my gun. Click. Safety off. I load my gun with as many shells as it will hold and pump one in to the chamber. "Don't suck." "Shut up Beau." With my gun up on my shoulder, I use my sights to find where I want to hit, and squeeze the trigger. Bang. "Hell yes." I hear them both sigh. "Well, I think I just lost." "Damn straight Beau!" I say pumping another shell in to the chamber. Bang. Another shell in, bang. "Yeah, I lost." Beau sighs. "Well you'd better not forfeit, you're up next." I hand him his gun. "Hey I think we should mark who shot where so there's no cheating." Braxton says, mainly looking to his friend. "Good idea." Me and him walk down to the target and mark which holes I shot. When we get back, Beau is ready to shoot. "Okay go." Braxton tells him.
Bang. Bang. Bang. "I think you shot too fast, you didn't even look at where you're shooting." I mention. He shakes his head, "I don't know, I just don't feel that great." I shrug. I go to mark the freshly shot holes. "Braxton, you're next." He does his super attractive half-smile and stands on the imaginary line. Click, bang. Click, bang. Click, bang. "Nice, let's see who won." We walk down the range together.
The boys both look at me. "You won. Damn it." Braxton says. "It was close." "Don't try to make me feel better. You won." "Yeah, I did." I smile sweetly and take the cardboard off the stand and walk to my truck.
"Hey Beau I'm gonna stop at your house for a while." The boys talk amongst themselves as I case my shotgun and put it in the truck. "Beau get me your gun." I call to him, and he hands it to me. "Braxton do you need a ride home?" I ask him. He looks around, "Yeah probably. My dad didn't say he would pick me up." He hands me his cased gun too and I put them in the truck next to mine. "Get in boys."
We pull out of the parking lot and on to the road to the highway. I'm driving, while Braxton sits in the middle and Beau on the other side. "What?" I keep seeing Braxton looking at me. "Oh nothin" He smiles and I shake my head. He puts his arm around me.

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